MS Precision Racing

Michael Grand

MS Precision Racing

by Michael Grand » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

GP3 should be coming out shortly, til then GP2 should work.

Michael K. Grandy Sr

Proud Member of Precision Racing Professional Internet Race Team

Officially sponsored by ECCI
"ECCI - A proud sponsor of the 1998 NROS finals"
The CDS4000 was designed for stock car racing... and it delivers

Member of OSCAR Freedom Cup Series

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Member of the National Invitational Series
The NIS is sponsored by Thomas Enterprises

  I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I will
  enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech Wingman
  joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it is
  most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this joystick.
  Before I invest in a Logitech FF wheel I am wondering if this game is
  indicative of what the newer games are like. I have tried subtle joystick
  movements, radical movements but I cannot seem to control the car. So the
  questions are, is it me, the stick, the game or all 3? Am I beating a dead
  horse in trying to learn this game? Should I try something more up to date? I
  would like a good sideways dirt track or rally game also. Suggestions?
  Jack Dannenberg


MS Precision Racing

by AKH » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

What are your system specs?


> Hello,
> I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I will
> enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech Wingman
> joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it is
> most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this joystick.
> Before I invest in a Logitech FF wheel I am wondering if this game is
> indicative of what the newer games are like. I have tried subtle joystick
> movements, radical movements but I cannot seem to control the car. So the
> questions are, is it me, the stick, the game or all 3? Am I beating a dead
> horse in trying to learn this game? Should I try something more up to date? I
> would like a good sideways dirt track or rally game also. Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jack Dannenberg


MS Precision Racing

by Cadsh » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I will
enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech Wingman
joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it is
most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this joystick.
Before I invest in a Logitech FF wheel I am wondering if this game is
indicative of what the newer games are like. I have tried subtle joystick
movements, radical movements but I cannot seem to control the car. So the
questions are, is it me, the stick, the game or all 3? Am I beating a dead
horse in trying to learn this game? Should I try something more up to date? I
would like a good sideways dirt track or rally game also. Suggestions?
Jack Dannenberg

Shaun Robinso

MS Precision Racing

by Shaun Robinso » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

MS ***CART*** Precision Racing?!?! If so it sucks. I've owned it since
its release. It has a good track editor though (awesome compared to
others). My friend has made a few tracks, 2 fantasy (one realistic, one
psychotic) and a semi real track (not an actual race). For info on

game worth owning.

Buy GPL.

oh oh... "right now I am unimpressed but it is most likely my lack of
experience", don't worry its not your lack of experience, its your
amazing deduction (reasoning, whatever...) skills.

> Hello,
> I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I will
> enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech Wingman
> joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it is
> most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this joystick.
> Before I invest in a Logitech FF wheel I am wondering if this game is
> indicative of what the newer games are like. I have tried subtle joystick
> movements, radical movements but I cannot seem to control the car. So the
> questions are, is it me, the stick, the game or all 3? Am I beating a dead
> horse in trying to learn this game? Should I try something more up to date? I
> would like a good sideways dirt track or rally game also. Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jack Dannenberg


MS Precision Racing

by Cadsh » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Hi Alan,
This is my work laptop. 166Mhz Pentium, 48MBytes RAM, SVGA, no 3d graphics
accelerator, Logitech Wingman joystick, external display. I realize that this
is not a good *** system but it is what I have for an intro. If after
experimenting I find these racing sims enjoyable I will build the correct
system from scratch. Thanks for the feedback.
Jack Dannenberg

Robin Lor

MS Precision Racing

by Robin Lor » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

| Hi Alan,
| This is my work laptop. 166Mhz Pentium, 48MBytes RAM, SVGA, no 3d graphics
| accelerator, Logitech Wingman joystick, external display. I realize that
| is not a good *** system but it is what I have for an intro.

With those specs it looks like you're stuck to older games like Grand Prix 2
and Indy Car 2 - both still good fun though, and both perfectly drivable
with joystick.
Anyhow leaping head first straight into Grand Prix Legends might scare you
off for life! ; )

If after
| experimenting I find these racing sims enjoyable I will build the correct
| system from scratch.

Just remember GPL is a whole different (better!) world from the other sims.

Thanks for the feedback.
| Jack Dannenberg


Robin Lord - Trance DJ & Sim Racer.

Nrburgring and Grand Prix Legends


MS Precision Racing

by AKH » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Ahhhhhhhhhh I suspected something like that. MS CART PR needs a lot of
horsepower under the hood. A 166 and no 3dfx or other 3d accelerator
will make MSCPR impossible to drive. Framerates will be slow and control
will weave and feel sloppy.

You might try and find an old copy of Papyrus IndyCar II (or
Sierra/Papyrus CART Racing) or else a copy of Micropose's GP2 (Grand
Prix 2). Both of which will be better on your machine. If you want
fenders then Papyrus/Sierra Nascar2 or Nascar would also work. On your
machine Nascar would work really well but isn't as 'pretty' as Nascar 2.
I saw Nascar at Kmart for 4.99 so you wouldn't be out much trying it!

Sim racing requires a smokin' machine. Sims seem to push the envelope.
When a new one comes out it tends to push the envelope a little
farther.  That's why I recommend trying to find some older software that
was new around the time your 166 and SVGA were considered 'top shelf'.

I don't think you'll find any newer titles that will run well enough on
your machine to really get a 'feel' for what it is all about.


> Hi Alan,
> This is my work laptop. 166Mhz Pentium, 48MBytes RAM, SVGA, no 3d graphics
> accelerator, Logitech Wingman joystick, external display. I realize that this
> is not a good *** system but it is what I have for an intro. If after
> experimenting I find these racing sims enjoyable I will build the correct
> system from scratch. Thanks for the feedback.
> Jack Dannenberg


MS Precision Racing

by RKeffe » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Jack, MS CPR can be an enjoyable sim.  First, the AI leaves a bit to be
desired, but the settings can be modifed and somewhat improved.  Also,
download and apply the 1.01 patch.   You will find this information at the
Microsoft site link that came with your game.  However, racing online at the
Zone is good fun, no AI cars...just other racers.  Some of the loyal
followers have created new or modified tracks, making a huge difference in
the overall experience.  Try the following site, and D/L Long Beach.

I have always used a wheel for all my driving sims.  As with most sims,
frame rate/input control improves with more processer and a high-end
graphics card.

Most sim racers will recommend GPL, great game, but if you follow the CHAMP
car circuit you may want to put a bit more effort into CPR.

Hope this helps,

> Hello,
> I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I will
> enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech
> joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it
> most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this
> Before I invest in a Logitech FF wheel I am wondering if this game is
> indicative of what the newer games are like. I have tried subtle joystick
> movements, radical movements but I cannot seem to control the car. So the
> questions are, is it me, the stick, the game or all 3? Am I beating a dead
> horse in trying to learn this game? Should I try something more up to
date? I
> would like a good sideways dirt track or rally game also. Suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jack Dannenberg


MS Precision Racing

by MeatWate » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

And how do you break without locking up? That ended the game for me.


Peter Ive

MS Precision Racing

by Peter Ive » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00



I applied the 1.01 patch way back when I was playing this game and, for
the life of me, I couldn't see any noticable difference in gameplay.
All my major dislikes about this game were still there, unfortunately.

>> Hello,
>> I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I will
>> enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech
>> joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it
>> most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this
>> Before I invest in a Logitech FF wheel I am wondering if this game is
>> indicative of what the newer games are like. I have tried subtle joystick
>> movements, radical movements but I cannot seem to control the car. So the
>> questions are, is it me, the stick, the game or all 3? Am I beating a dead
>> horse in trying to learn this game? Should I try something more up to
>date? I
>> would like a good sideways dirt track or rally game also. Suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> Jack Dannenberg

Peter Ives
(AKA Ivington)
Bill Jone

MS Precision Racing

by Bill Jone » Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>>Jack, MS CPR can be an enjoyable sim.  First, the AI leaves a bit to be
>>desired, but the settings can be modifed and somewhat improved.  Also,
>>download and apply the 1.01 patch.


>I applied the 1.01 patch way back when I was playing this game and, for
>the life of me, I couldn't see any noticable difference in gameplay.
>All my major dislikes about this game were still there, unfortunately.

>>> Hello,
>>> I am new to this racing simulation. I want a good F1 game if I feel I
>>> enjoy the simulation scene. I have MS Precision Racing with a Logictech
>>> joystick. This is my first PC game and right now I am unimpressed but it
>>> most likely my lack of experience. I cannot seem to steer with this

You need a steering wheel to drive the CPR cars.  It was unplayable for me
until I got a Nascar Pro wheel, and now I can easily drive all the tracks.

CPR has a lot of problems, the worst being the AI, but it does have some
good points:

1.  The engine sound is second to none.  Sounds just like the real thing
shifting thru the gears.

2.  Sense of speed is better than most sims.  Viper Racing, for instance,
shows that you're going 170 mph or so, but the background is only zipping by
as though you're going 90 mph.  In CPR, if the speedo is reading 170 mph, it
feels like you're flying.  Hot lapping while setup testing is especially

3.  With a couple of exceptions, the tracks are generally very good.  1999
CART champion Juan Montoya actually learned many of the tracks by playing
CPR before he ever got in a Champ Car.

<remove 7of9 for e-mail replies>

Bill Jones    e-mail addresses:

(860) 701-1201   WWW:

Frank Finneise

MS Precision Racing

by Frank Finneise » Sun, 05 Dec 1999 04:00:00

You are right in every point! is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.