> To be honest though, the lighter wise cracks about the game and it's future
> don't bother me a bit simply because the, "I've been supporting you Chris
> and Tony since you were writing code as fetuses, and everyone who hasn't
> should be kicked out of our little family---WE'VE shown them now, haven't
> WE?" posts are nauseating. I've read them here and at the WRL forum.
Well I guess you have rather been there before with the Ubisoft patch debacle.
RAS can be pretty hostile to developers and those that have faith in them
delivering the goods. Plus we often see rosey spectacles with other developer's
You have been fortunate to be involved with developers and become a beta tester.
Some here (myself included) are hopeful that ras could be at least partly
influential in this project, it seems a natural forum to work alongside a
developer. However, we have seen developers been treated pretty badly in the
past, (remember CPR?) so some of us are keen for it not to happen again.
It probably is naive to think we could work as a collective group, though I
would have thought we would have some common objectives.
Rather than a dear Tony & Chris please add me to your beta team, please,
please - I would prefer a more open beta program we can discuss on ras. By the
sound of it this will be the case providing you pay for it. Which will probably
fuel the not paying for something I haven't tried debate all over again! Ah
well, ras is going to busy.