New GPL online problem

Dan Kap

New GPL online problem

by Dan Kap » Thu, 30 Dec 1999 04:00:00

      I've been having a heck of a time getting GPL to allow me to race
online using my cable modem for a few months now.   I resolved my TCP/IP
problem by hard-coding my IP, DNS servers, and gateway that my ISP used to
assign dynamically  (alternate_ip_addr_lookup = 1 didn't help).    Now that
I have TCP/IP support back in GPL, my problem is that I can't join a race
from WinVROC.   I can host with no problem.    However, when I launch GPL
from within VROC to join a race, GPL locks up at the Sierra Sports screen.
I'm so close now, I can taste it.  :)

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