Yours is another example of the shortsightedness by Papyrus.
At Kylami they qualify seven seconds faster than they did in
1867---------- this on a sim that is supposed to be "dead nuts"
accurate to the year.
I really think the "brains" and the "brawn" at Papyrus needs to get
off their behinds and admit they made a horrible mistake in this
"intelligent AI" statement and give a patch that allows the sim0racer
to adjust the AI to more realisi\tic 1867 times.
I may get flamed ---------------- but they drive as if THEY HAVE THE
WINGS on their cars in 1868 and 1868 not the way they "came out of the
box" in 1967.
I have said it before and will say uit again -------- I think they
developed this intelligent AI and then realized (at too late in the
release time) that it was going to do this, so they made a statement
-------- "well you have to remember ----- these were the best in the
Now THAT'S an intelligent statement! I will bet Jim Clark got a
phone call from him mommy every time he raced during the Belgian GP
because he hated it so much --------- asking him to be careful ------
at which time he merely walked across the room and sat back in front
of his computer and continued racing !!!!! WEAK STATEMENT AND EXCUSE
---------------------------------- I don't always take the corporate
politics for what the surface is ------------------ I think they know
they made a goof and really don't know how to cover it up.