> > Gravity height figures? That's doing it the hard way Jonny. Just
> Not really... it's about three lines of Matlab (I'm a recent Auto
> graduate, so braking doesn't get complicated until we start dealing
> with artic trucks ;-)
> > into the F10 view and on a straight hammer the brakes, you can
> easily
> > see from the skid marks which end is locking up first. But more
> > importantly, experiment with how far rearward (the less front
> > bias the stronger the braking) you can run the brake bias without
> the
> > rearend coming around on you when braking into a corner. It's more
> > function of your driving style than any quantitative measurement.
> I'm curious because I'm heading towards 58-59% with some cars, while
> see figures like 51% being bandied around the ng. I sometimes
> whether the back end's coming round because I've got the brakes
> far forwards, such that easing off them suddenly restores lots of
> front lateral capacity - so I'd like to find a ballpark figure to
> me a theoretical starting point.
> I'm also mildly concerned that I can't trailbrake at all, pretty
> whatever brake balance I use, but I suspect this says more about my
> general setup style (lots of front end; nice and pointy) than
> else. Setup seems to be a constant compromise between going round
> corners, and entering them while still facing forwards ;-)
> Jonny
Yes, that's my problem as well, but I didn't consider it a setup
issue - I'm using all Alisons.
Surely, as all wheels are loaded differently according to how well the
car is balanced (or not, in my case) before you start braking, the
most lightly loaded wheel will lock first if you brake too hard.
So I reckoned I needed to
1) get the car as four-square as possible on its suspension before
2) don't brake so hard as to lock any tyres
It is the latter that is my biggest problem - I cannot distinguish
between a squeal and a screech whilst driving!
Laurence Wilmer
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