New tracks on Spyboy???

Scott Humphrie

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Scott Humphrie » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

What was the origional Link - I missed it

> > Still see no proof that they were leaked tracks though, just that some
> > tracks has indeed been converted from N2/99/3 and ICR2 to GPL, but that
> > has to be the worst kept secret for quite some time, actually it hasn't
> > been a secret at all since we all can DL a converter from "The Pits"
> > that will do a few of the tracks, so most people could figure out that
> > David Noonan ( and I guess others too) was at least working on some
> > more, which as you say is good news, but where's the leak .... :-)

> It's a possibility ;)

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...

> "People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
> how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."


New tracks on Spyboy???

by ymenar » Mon, 29 Nov 1999 04:00:00

The converter/converted tracks do not exist for the public yet, as for a
group it is in beta testing while the other it's simply kept between the
selected group of people.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

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