New tracks on Spyboy???

Goy Larse

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Goy Larse » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>     On any given night on GSB/VROC Gary Hoorn,Alison Hine, and a few others
> are testing the converter in private online tests. All the tracks to this
> point have been ovals from Nas3 with the exception of a single road course;
> Elkhart Lake. No one is willing to give any additonal information other than
> only the oval converter is just about ready for release.

That was just about my point too Joel, the beta testers seems to be
stepping up their efforts and that seems to indicate that we are getting
closer to a release of "something" (speaking as a regular r.a.s. reader
here, NOT "Pit Crew" member :-), wich is why I was even more curious
about what our friend Ymenard was talking about really, I'm not privvy
to ALL the info that goes between David Noonan and his team of
testers/developers/etc, but I do get tidbits of info thrown my way
whenever he feels the whole "Pit Crew" ought to know stuff (David has a
very healthy way of looking at the "need to know" thing if you ask me
:-), wich again me made me ask Ymenard what he's talking about as I'm
having big problems figuring it out to be honest, over the years a few
people have accused me of being dumb, maybe they were right ...:-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy


New tracks on Spyboy???

by ymenar » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

Who said I was implying that those leaks are from the VROC testing ? :^)

Still, I neither don't have a clue where Im going with everything 8)

Some converted tracks have already appeared by some public drivers on VROC
(back almost half a year ago), and they are slowly getting more and more in
numbers.  For one version they are finished since like I said half a year,
but some people are not willing to make them public for whatever reason.

I don't know why people associated that beta test with track leaks ;)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."


New tracks on Spyboy???

by ymenar » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

FYI, the other group who have worked on tracks (who are finished since half
a year) have worked on them hand by hand, recreating perfectly the TRK and
3DO files from Icr2 to GPL.  A very time consuming experience, but be sure
that the Icr2 road tracks are what people are awaiting for, not the oval
tracks of N2, N3 or even Icr2 ;-P

I still haven't seen Bull Run (my favorite road track in N2 and Icr2) but
Red Rock does exist, and exiting turn 4 you get about 20feet of airtime !!!!

So patience people, soon we will enjoy new tracks...

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."


New tracks on Spyboy???

by ymenar » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

But your still one of the few guys on the NROS who was able to kick my arse
on the NROS road tracks ;-D

My messages here were just fun tidbits trying to make some hype about the
upcoming tracks.  There's no sense to my messages, be sure eh.  Some sort of
movie trailer 8)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Goy Larse

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Goy Larse » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> I still haven't seen Bull Run (my favorite road track in N2 and Icr2)

Btw Frank, what's your best time on the Bull2k track, in a car that is,
not GPL :-), I noticed your name on the track records :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Goy Larse

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Goy Larse » Thu, 25 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> But your still one of the few guys on the NROS who was able to kick my arse
> on the NROS road tracks ;-D

Uh yeah :-), well, like we have discussed before Frank, being one of the
fastest guys on road courses on TEN wasn't all that, you should have
been in this years TPTCC Frank, now THAT was fast, man that Dimy guy
from Russia really kicks ass

Ok, I'll treat this thread as one of your Star Wars threads then.... :-)

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy


New tracks on Spyboy???

by ymenar » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

When your racing the AI there your racing against me actually ;)

The track was made by Jon Van Ginneken (a great person who has incredible
track editing knowledge), and since I know him he made me do the AI for the

I hope the TPTCC guys like me for the BullRun 24hour challenge.  How do you
like it anyway? I tried to make it run the normal NROS line that the drivers
used.  Good question about the laptimes.  Somewhere around 121 I think with
N2?  Im not sure if the TPTCC runs with the Truck physics or Car physics
since I sold NR99 a while ago since I will never use it anymore.  But  I
should have kept it for the 24hour race (which I had interest in)...  At
least I kept a backup of all tracks on a CD.  I should reload the track and
try it with N3.

The flat banking in the 180 and last turn make it very challenging.
Especially the first one, it reminds me of the 180 at Sears Point in Nascar
Racing 3.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Goy Larse

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Goy Larse » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> When your racing the AI there your racing against me actually ;)

That would explain the weird behaviour then.... :-)

I kinda like it, haven't really ran against the AI yet, but we are
gearing up for the BullRun 1000 these days, 171 laps, we normally use
the Trucks, but with the TPTCC1.0 we have the choice between the cars
(V8Supercars) or the trucks (Supertourers), I'm in the car class for
this one, but during the recent season we all ran the trucks, fun :-)

Honestly, I don't find the track too different really, I use the same
setup too, but I have only done some 10 laps so far, so I guess some
tweaks will be done in the near future....

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Ronald Stoeh

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Ronald Stoeh » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>      You just my day !!!!!!!

>       I had heard from some of the beta testers that the converter didn't
> work with ICR2 tracks. But after seeing the screen shot of Elkhart Lake,I
> know now it's a reality. Worst case is that you have to converter the ICR2
> tracks to N2,then to N3,then to GPL.

I wouldn't mind having to do a handstand while converting the tracks, just
gimme Elkhart and Mid Ohio for GPL... ;^)


The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!

          |\      _,,,---,,_        I want to die like my Grandfather,
   ZZZzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_              in his sleep.
        |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'     Not like the people in his car,
       '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)            screaming their heads off!

Joel Willstei

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Joel Willstei » Fri, 26 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> >       I had heard from some of the beta testers that the converter
> > work with ICR2 tracks. But after seeing the screen shot of Elkhart
> > know now it's a reality. Worst case is that you have to converter the
> > tracks to N2,then to N3,then to GPL.

> FYI, the other group who have worked on tracks (who are finished since
> a year) have worked on them hand by hand, recreating perfectly the TRK and
> 3DO files from Icr2 to GPL.  A very time consuming experience, but be sure
> that the Icr2 road tracks are what people are awaiting for, not the oval
> tracks of N2, N3 or even Icr2 ;-P

> I still haven't seen Bull Run (my favorite road track in N2 and Icr2) but
> Red Rock does exist, and exiting turn 4 you get about 20feet of airtime
> ;)

> So patience people, soon we will enjoy new tracks...

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- May the Downforce be with you...


    Thanks for the info. By now everyone must know how much I want to run
the ICR2 road courses in my Brabham.



New tracks on Spyboy???

by ymenar » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

The Icr2 cars are very fun there also.  Primary the Bull Run 2k track was
made for IndyCar Racing 2.  As you might know when you convert high banking
tracks to Icr2 the physics show flaws.  You know.... snap oversteer.  With
the last corner and the 180-banking, it really made Bull Run a boring track
for Icr2.  That's when Jon had the idea to flat those parts of tracks and
make it a real track for IndyCar Racing 2.  It worked very good, it's a
blast in Icr2. You take the Esses after turn 3 full on, you trailbrake into
the long right turn before the backstretch, etc..

I say the trucks must be better there.  They are more sluggish but for
Touring cars I feel they are better for endurance racing.  You can make alot
less errors with those cars.  I was supposed to race with Jon in the BR1k
but I sold NR99 like I might have said ;(

You know any plans for a N3 version of TPTCC ?

Tsk tsk...  I adjusted some simple tyre pressures because of the long
sweeping last turn (really burns the Lefties).  It scrubs the tyre much more
than you can possibly imagine ;)

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- May the Downforce be with you...

"People think it must be fun to be a super genius, but they don't realise
how hard it is to put up with all the idiots in the world."

Bill Met

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Bill Met » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>> That would explain the weird behaviour then.... :-)

>The Icr2 cars are very fun there also.  Primary the Bull Run 2k track was
>made for IndyCar Racing 2.  As you might know when you convert high banking
>tracks to Icr2 the physics show flaws.  You know.... snap oversteer.  With
>the last corner and the 180-banking, it really made Bull Run a boring track
>for Icr2.  That's when Jon had the idea to flat those parts of tracks and
>make it a real track for IndyCar Racing 2.  It worked very good, it's a
>blast in Icr2. You take the Esses after turn 3 full on, you trailbrake into
>the long right turn before the backstretch, etc..

  OK, looks like I'm way behind the times here.  I gave up running Bull
Run and Red Rock in ICR2 long ago because of the snap oversteer you
mention.  So now there's versions of the track(s) that have been flattened
out to correct the problem?  Please tell, where can I get ahold of them?

                    | "Instead of letting the moon be the
Bill Mette          |  gateway to our future, we have let
Enteract, Chicago   |  it become a brief chapter in our

Goy Larse

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Goy Larse » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

> I say the trucks must be better there.  They are more sluggish but for
> Touring cars I feel they are better for endurance racing.  You can make alot
> less errors with those cars.  I was supposed to race with Jon in the BR1k
> but I sold NR99 like I might have said ;(

Quitter !!! :-)

And no, I find the trucks a bit boring now, it was nice for a change
when we started the season, and I agree that they are better for
"emulating" supertourers, but I'm now finding them too easy, I managed
to complete my whole TPTCC season without a single DNF (nope, I don't
believe in "shift-r" :-), with only a couple of minor spin off's and
accidents, so I'm really looking forward to running the V8Supercars

There have been talks of course, and I'd be very surprised if the guys
don't come up with SOMETHING for either N3 or NLegends (I've been
BEGGING Jan for a historic TC sim with tracks from GPL, but he says he
has to make a living too, so I'm not holding my breath :-), but as of
right now, I don't think anything is set in stone.....

Really ?

I ran quite a few laps yeasterday with a slightly revised setup and
found I had lower tire temps than before actually, but I didn't get too
much into it, I need to find a setup that will work both in the we and
the dry, we're running with "changeable" wether this year :-), so I'm
not looking for the "ultimate" dry set as of now

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy

Goy Larse

New tracks on Spyboy???

by Goy Larse » Sat, 27 Nov 1999 04:00:00

>   OK, looks like I'm way behind the times here.  I gave up running Bull
> Run and Red Rock in ICR2 long ago because of the snap oversteer you
> mention.  So now there's versions of the track(s) that have been flattened
> out to correct the problem?  Please tell, where can I get ahold of them?
> Thanks.

I would guess that "Sim***world" has it posted, if not go to and look in the BullRun1000 section, it's a very nice job
they have done to this one, I have no idea how it runs in ICR2

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy


New tracks on Spyboy???

by Eldre » Sun, 28 Nov 1999 04:00:00


Don't feel so bad.  I didn't even know there WERE versions for ICR2...<shrug>

Tiger Stadium R.I.P. 1912-1999
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