> On any given night on GSB/VROC Gary Hoorn,Alison Hine, and a few others
> are testing the converter in private online tests. All the tracks to this
> point have been ovals from Nas3 with the exception of a single road course;
> Elkhart Lake. No one is willing to give any additonal information other than
> only the oval converter is just about ready for release.
stepping up their efforts and that seems to indicate that we are getting
closer to a release of "something" (speaking as a regular r.a.s. reader
here, NOT "Pit Crew" member :-), wich is why I was even more curious
about what our friend Ymenard was talking about really, I'm not privvy
to ALL the info that goes between David Noonan and his team of
testers/developers/etc, but I do get tidbits of info thrown my way
whenever he feels the whole "Pit Crew" ought to know stuff (David has a
very healthy way of looking at the "need to know" thing if you ask me
:-), wich again me made me ask Ymenard what he's talking about as I'm
having big problems figuring it out to be honest, over the years a few
people have accused me of being dumb, maybe they were right ...:-)
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy