Tried it with the NROS demo. It didn't like it at all. Calibration was a
joke - even under Win98, drivers et al.
>>Can anyone tell me if the MS Force Feedback steering wheel can be used
>>Nascar Racing 2. That is as a non force feedback steering wheel of course.
>>doesn't support the ff feature. Anyone has good experiences. I am thinking
>>buying a force fedback steering wheel but want to keep on playing N2 as
>The best you can do is get NR1999 and run the WINDOWS version. The
>DOS version of the game which is required for multiplay (which is not
>clearly labeled on the box) freaks out on the digital inputs of *EVERY*
>force feedback wheel on the market. So if you only wish to play Nascar
>Racing offline (by yourself) you can use a FF wheel if you run the Win
>version of NR1999. And if you can somehow come up with a way to
>make the FF wheel work with the DOS version of NR1999 you are a
>Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
>cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com