CH Peedal Mod

don hodgdo

CH Peedal Mod

by don hodgdo » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I made a simple modification to my CH brake pedal that I thought some of you
might be able to use. I replaced my LWFF pedals with my CH pedals some time
ago, but wanted more resistance to the brake pedal. I tried the tennis ball
method, but was never happy with it. I had all these coil springs lying
about that I had bought while experimenting with the springs in the LWFF
pedals and was trying to figure out a way to use them with the CH pedals. I
needed a flat surface between the base and the bottom of the pedal to hold
the spring. I simply hot glued a wedge of wood to the bottom of the pedal
and tried different springs until I found one that wouldn't bind and
provided the required resistance. Be sure to recalibrate your brake pedal in

          /     <------ pedal
        /_I    <------ wedge
__ /  {}     <------ spring



Andre Warring

CH Peedal Mod

by Andre Warring » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Or you can just put a squahball under the brake pedal, works much
better than a tennisball :)


On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:55:01 -0800, "don hodgdon"

>I made a simple modification to my CH brake pedal that I thought some of you
>might be able to use. I replaced my LWFF pedals with my CH pedals some time
>ago, but wanted more resistance to the brake pedal. I tried the tennis ball
>method, but was never happy with it. I had all these coil springs lying
>about that I had bought while experimenting with the springs in the LWFF
>pedals and was trying to figure out a way to use them with the CH pedals. I
>needed a flat surface between the base and the bottom of the pedal to hold
>the spring. I simply hot glued a wedge of wood to the bottom of the pedal
>and tried different springs until I found one that wouldn't bind and
>provided the required resistance. Be sure to recalibrate your brake pedal in

>          /     <------ pedal
>        /_I    <------ wedge
>__ /  {}     <------ spring



don hodgdo

CH Peedal Mod

by don hodgdo » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Andre, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a squash ball here in Los



>Or you can just put a squahball under the brake pedal, works much
>better than a tennisball :)


>On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:55:01 -0800, "don hodgdon"

>>I made a simple modification to my CH brake pedal that I thought some of
>>might be able to use. I replaced my LWFF pedals with my CH pedals some
>>ago, but wanted more resistance to the brake pedal. I tried the tennis
>>method, but was never happy with it. I had all these coil springs lying
>>about that I had bought while experimenting with the springs in the LWFF
>>pedals and was trying to figure out a way to use them with the CH pedals.
>>needed a flat surface between the base and the bottom of the pedal to hold
>>the spring. I simply hot glued a wedge of wood to the bottom of the pedal
>>and tried different springs until I found one that wouldn't bind and
>>provided the required resistance. Be sure to recalibrate your brake pedal

>>          /     <------ pedal
>>        /_I    <------ wedge
>>__ /  {}     <------ spring




CH Peedal Mod

by Rikanthr » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Andre, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a squash ball here in Los
the squash ball idea sounds good. is that the same thing as a handball?

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"

The Mighty Puc

CH Peedal Mod

by The Mighty Puc » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Ha Ha, I discovered that myself the other day. I used to play a bit of
squash in college (in canada).  I figured getting a squash ball would be a
no brainer. There is a squash club in burbank i think. I haven't checked it
out but I would guess they would have squash balls.


>Andre, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a squash ball here in



>>Or you can just put a squahball under the brake pedal, works much
>>better than a tennisball :)


>>On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:55:01 -0800, "don hodgdon"

>>>I made a simple modification to my CH brake pedal that I thought some of
>>>might be able to use. I replaced my LWFF pedals with my CH pedals some
>>>ago, but wanted more resistance to the brake pedal. I tried the tennis
>>>method, but was never happy with it. I had all these coil springs lying
>>>about that I had bought while experimenting with the springs in the LWFF
>>>pedals and was trying to figure out a way to use them with the CH pedals.
>>>needed a flat surface between the base and the bottom of the pedal to
>>>the spring. I simply hot glued a wedge of wood to the bottom of the pedal
>>>and tried different springs until I found one that wouldn't bind and
>>>provided the required resistance. Be sure to recalibrate your brake pedal

>>>          /     <------ pedal
>>>        /_I    <------ wedge
>>>__ /  {}     <------ spring



Andre Warrin

CH Peedal Mod

by Andre Warrin » Tue, 08 Feb 2000 04:00:00

What, you don't play squash in LA? Maybe you can order squashball
online, it's really worth it, it works really good. There are
different types of squashballs, make sure you have a stiff one!
(talking about the squashball here)


On Sun, 6 Feb 2000 10:20:41 -0800, "don hodgdon"

>Andre, do you have any idea how hard it is to find a squash ball here in Los



>>Or you can just put a squahball under the brake pedal, works much
>>better than a tennisball :)


>>On Sat, 5 Feb 2000 23:55:01 -0800, "don hodgdon"

>>>I made a simple modification to my CH brake pedal that I thought some of
>>>might be able to use. I replaced my LWFF pedals with my CH pedals some
>>>ago, but wanted more resistance to the brake pedal. I tried the tennis
>>>method, but was never happy with it. I had all these coil springs lying
>>>about that I had bought while experimenting with the springs in the LWFF
>>>pedals and was trying to figure out a way to use them with the CH pedals.
>>>needed a flat surface between the base and the bottom of the pedal to hold
>>>the spring. I simply hot glued a wedge of wood to the bottom of the pedal
>>>and tried different springs until I found one that wouldn't bind and
>>>provided the required resistance. Be sure to recalibrate your brake pedal

>>>          /     <------ pedal
>>>        /_I    <------ wedge
>>>__ /  {}     <------ spring



Phil Le

CH Peedal Mod

by Phil Le » Tue, 08 Feb 2000 04:00:00

How do you get the squash ball to stay under the pedal?  When I tried, the
thing kept on shooting out from under the pedal.




don hodgdo

CH Peedal Mod

by don hodgdo » Tue, 08 Feb 2000 04:00:00

That was the same problem I had and why I wanted to find a method that used
an easily changed spring, allowing me to adjust the spring rate if




CH Peedal Mod

by Rikanthr » Tue, 08 Feb 2000 04:00:00

How do you get the squash ball to stay under the pedal?  When I tried, the
thing kept on shooting out from under the pedal.

I think your supposed to cut it in half or something.

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"

Andre Warring

CH Peedal Mod

by Andre Warring » Wed, 09 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I have the CH Pro pedals, there's a little pin behind the pedal which
keeps the quashball quite good in place. To secure it more tightly I
used some double sided tape. I don't think the pin is on the normal CH
pedals, since it's on a piece of hard plastic used to stop the pivot
movement, only available on the pro version. But try it with the
double sided tape, maybe that will secure it enough.

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