Hi Colin!
> It is interesting that you are only running at 100hz, I have my
> simulator cranked up to 240hz at the moment, I have the quaternions
> for each of the bodies double buffered which I then interpolate for
> the current frame, (makes for some really pretty replays :-))
I'm running at whatever is stable :). Seriously, I can run at 200Hz
easily, but since I am optimizing stuff, sometimes it means that you are
'unoptimizing' it at times ;), it doesn't bring the game to a halt if
that happens (I have my timing routines set so that they catch up with
the system time, and if the calcs become too slow, this never happens
and the program exits when the preset difference between real and
simulation time is reached). Also, there is no diference in handling
between the two, so I guess there is no need to waste more cycles on
Indeed. If you manage to find a path for the vehicle, and the
orientation on the path, you solved the problem completely. The
Lagrangian multilpliers are only used when you cannot solve for the
explicit path and orientation, but if you can do that, you are set to
rock :). It may be hard to do with the general suspensions, but with
some compromises I'm sure it's possible.
Be aware, though, that if you want to do things really properly, you
must also take the changes of orientation and subsequent changes of dhe
direction wheel angular momentum into account, and that is probably the
hardest part (I do handle that in my sim, but I neglect the actuall mass
of the wheels, which is indeed far less relevant). If you neglect this,
though, things are much easier.
Good luck with your game! Man, you've gone Japanese, haven't you,
cramming all free time activities (such as eating etc. :) ) into one
hour ;).