Snetterton...thank you

don hodgdo

Snetterton...thank you

by don hodgdo » Sat, 18 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I can't really add much more to this except a thank you of my own. It's just

I'm running in training only, PII 400, 128mb, sblive, LWFF/USB, Win 98, all
trackside objects on (love those braking markers!), 800x600 with a solid 36

About the AI were you able to program an entire field of Dennis


"Getting hit by a meteorite is an accident...
  everything else is driver-error."

J. P

Snetterton...thank you

by J. P » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

A thank you is in order here...GPLEA! Just through my first few
tentative laps at Snetterton in my GPLEA Ferrari w/Allison's Monza
setup. Once again, my investment in GPL has produced dividends well
beyond what I paid for out of the box, thanks to all the support out
there. Another reason I'll be driving GPL long after I've deleted the
flavor of the month from my least 'til we see GPL2 or GTL or
CART 2...or anything with the GPL engine or it's successor. I've bought
three copies of it now, one for my 2nd machine in the home network and
one for my older brother, who started it all by taking me to see "Grand
Prix" in all its Cinemascope glory way back when.

J. P. Hovercraft

P. S.   Constructive criticism...the grass is -way- slippery and yes, I
did notice the slowdown, but don't let that stop you! I'd be glad to see
more. Also looking foreward to more -great- looking cars.

Don Scurlo

Snetterton...thank you

by Don Scurlo » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Let me add my own WHOPPING BIG THANK YOU ! Snetterton is a great track,
beautifully done. It took only about 5 minutes to download (helps to have
cable) setup and start doing laps. Not a bug to be found. I feel very fortunate
to be involved with such a bunch of talented and generous people. Thanks again.

Don Scurlock

Todd Sorense

Snetterton...thank you

by Todd Sorense » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Yes, the AI is outstanding!!


Snetterton...thank you

by Rikanthr » Sun, 19 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Let me add my own WHOPPING BIG THANK YOU ! Snetterton is a great track,
beautifully done. It took only about 5 minutes to download (helps to have
cable) setup and start doing laps. Not a bug to be found. I feel very fortunate

to be involved with such a bunch of talented and generous people. Thanks again.

Primo work!!

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"
"Cato was right."

Ron Ayto

Snetterton...thank you

by Ron Ayto » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I also, wanted to thank all of you guys that produced or had a hand in
producing Snetterton.
I know how much effort and time a project like this takes, and even
though it was/is a labour of love, the time and effort that goes into a
brand new track, starting from scratch like you guys did with this
project is totally unbelievable.
The track itself is brilliant and you have all done a great job with
the graphics and driveability of the track, and i have to commend you
all for not asking for money for Snetterton.
Work of this calibre, along with Dave Noonans efforts at O'ring, all
provided free is really a major boon to the GPL community as a whole.

One slight criticism i had and the only one i had, i may add, was that
the files, all 270 off of them  were not packed into a data file, but i
did that myself last night anyway, so that is no longer a problem
I only have 16 files in my Snett folder now, with a 8.19 meg data file,
which is much neater..  :)

Thanks once again guys, a job really well done, you should all be proud
of your achievements..


PS..  Now about a certain Bathurst track here in OZ..  <G>

Arto Wik

Snetterton...thank you

by Arto Wik » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Also my big thanks to GPLEA gang for making us this great track!

And when I read the comment of the icr2gpl in GPLEA front page, I decided
to wait for Dave Noonan's true version...

Thanks again for the track!


PS Any info of updating the AI for Snette? Well, the one there is, is
   also quite special... ;-)


Snetterton...thank you

by Dasma » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

What a brilliant track, well done guys

Darren Taylor

Martin Urs

Snetterton...thank you

by Martin Urs » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

>Let me add my own WHOPPING BIG THANK YOU ! Snetterton is a great track,
>beautifully done. It took only about 5 minutes to download (helps to have
>cable) setup and start doing laps. Not a bug to be found. I feel very fortunate
>to be involved with such a bunch of talented and generous people. Thanks again.

        Maybe I'm not alone here but I feel really bad for the good
guys at GPLEA.  On the eve of their society's greatest moment the NG
has unexpectedly deteriorated into alt.warez.f12k, drowning their
Snetterton announcement in a sea of pirate links.  

        To GPLEA:  Thank you very much for all the hard work in making
this gorgeous track (funny... I never thought Snetterton was
"gorgeous" until now).

        To those who've yet to download F1 2000: Wouldn't you rather
spend those empty hours trying to get your laptimes into the low

Long Live Nigel Mansell!

        So where can I download GP3 from, anyway?  :-)

Ron Ayto

Snetterton...thank you

by Ron Ayto » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

No Martin, your'e not alone..
I think it is pathetic to see the little boys all rushing to download
This news group was always against warez, but these days it seems we
are being overtaken by a bunch of ***y boppers who finds a thrill in
downloading illegal software, while a brilliant effort like Snetterton
(wholly legal and free) is available to us all..
It makes me wonder what RAS and the simracing on-line community is
coming to..

Once again, thanks to you guys that made Snetterton possible for us
all, it is a brilliant track to race on, i love it..


Andre Warring

Snetterton...thank you

by Andre Warring » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

I'm trying, but I'm still in the 1:40's at Australia ;)


Cliff Roma

Snetterton...thank you

by Cliff Roma » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Unfortunately, these are the same ***y boppers that like to
go online and race around the track backwards wrecking
anyone they can

> No Martin, your'e not alone..
> I think it is pathetic to see the little boys all rushing to download
> Warez..
> This news group was always against warez, but these days it seems we
> are being overtaken by a bunch of ***y boppers who finds a thrill in
> downloading illegal software, while a brilliant effort like Snetterton
> (wholly legal and free) is available to us all..
> It makes me wonder what RAS and the simracing on-line community is
> coming to..

> Once again, thanks to you guys that made Snetterton possible for us
> all, it is a brilliant track to race on, i love it..

> Cheers,
> Ron

> > Maybe I'm not alone here but I feel really bad for the good
> > guys at GPLEA.  On the eve of their society's greatest moment the NG
> > has unexpectedly deteriorated into alt.warez.f12k, drowning their
> > Snetterton announcement in a sea of pirate links.

> > To GPLEA:  Thank you very much for all the hard work in making
> > this gorgeous track (funny... I never thought Snetterton was
> > "gorgeous" until now).

> > To those who've yet to download F1 2000: Wouldn't you rather
> > spend those empty hours trying to get your laptimes into the low
> > 1:20s?

> > Martin
> > Long Live Nigel Mansell!

> > So where can I download GP3 from, anyway?  :-)


Snetterton...thank you

by TRUSRS » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Snetterton is Brilliant
Thank you GPLEA
You guys rule!!!!
I just wish you guys could make an installer that would combine all the files
into a neat little .dat

You have my praises!!!!!

Chris Bloo

Snetterton...thank you

by Chris Bloo » Mon, 20 Mar 2000 04:00:00

How do you pack all those files into a DAT file?

The track is very nice, I look forward to getting some
competitive AI.


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Darko Juva

Snetterton...thank you

by Darko Juva » Tue, 21 Mar 2000 04:00:00

Big thanks for really outstanding track, and good example for what this
group is all about.


> Yes, the AI is outstanding!!

> > A thank you is in order here...GPLEA! Just through my first few
> > tentative laps at Snetterton in my GPLEA Ferrari w/Allison's Monza
> > setup. Once again, my investment in GPL has produced dividends well
> > beyond what I paid for out of the box, thanks to all the support out
> > there. Another reason I'll be driving GPL long after I've deleted the
> > flavor of the month from my least 'til we see GPL2 or GTL or
> > CART 2...or anything with the GPL engine or it's successor. I've bought
> > three copies of it now, one for my 2nd machine in the home network and
> > one for my older brother, who started it all by taking me to see "Grand
> > Prix" in all its Cinemascope glory way back when.

> > J. P. Hovercraft

> > P. S.   Constructive criticism...the grass is -way- slippery and yes, I
> > did notice the slowdown, but don't let that stop you! I'd be glad to see
> > more. Also looking foreward to more -great- looking cars. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.