Resterted, and restarted, and restarted. I even Rebooted, and Rebooted,
and Rebooted. I went as far as getting rid of an oval track directory and
eliminating it from the the ini's. and even went as far as trying the
different 3DO's. Nothing worked. I copied and pasted the ini section
strait from the web page. That had a couple of spaces in the wrong places.
I can't say that that was the problem but I fixed that right after I
re-installed GPL.
I re-installed GPL over my original install, after backing up the
GPL.exe, so I never lost anything other then the list of add-on tracks in
the INI's. easily fixed.
Mike Barlow
>All you needed to do was restart WinVROC mike.
>WV scans 67season.ini on startup and lists your tracks, if you install a
>track it won't know you have it until you restart it.
>> I backed up my GPL.exe and then re-installed GPL over the existing.
>> had to re-edit the season ini files but it worked.
>> > I'm all set up and ran a couple of hot laps and even saved a setup.
>> >But, going to VROC... All the snetterton's are (-snett), I can't join
>> >all. I don't even have it in the list of tracks to host with. I tried
>> >sellecting "sellect in GPL" and that worked, someone said they seen the
>> >server. I just can't join any. :(
>> > Any ideas at all?