>Does anyone know where to get the plans to construct an F1 simulator
>for use on a home PC. This is a copy of an F1 front end with a monitor
>perched on the nose cone and sometimes wheels/ suspension. You often
>see these fibre glass/wood units at car and computer shows so someone
>makes them, but I have searched the web for plans/instructions but can
>only find expensive units which do not have the F1 body and usually
>have their own pedals/steering wheel. I have a Thrustmaster so just
>want to mack a cheap body to sit in.
>Any help would most appreciated
Try contacting a company in your area that supplies machines for arcades.
There is often one company that leases the machines to more than one arcade.
Sometimes they sell the old machines outright and maybe you could get
something cheap, possibly with defunct electronics. They might also be able
to help you contact the manufacturers of the mock-up cars via the
manufacturers of the arcade machines.
Just a thought
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