I'd like to know that as well!
Dunno why the cars are leaving you at the starting line...keep your foot ont
he throttle while waiting for the light to turn green, then you should be
good to go. About any of the GTQ cars will work nicely as beginner cars.
> >I am a relative newbie to driving sims and wondered if someone could
> >as to the best way to drive the cars in SCGT. When should I brake
> >approaching a corner, do I try and slide around the corners like GPL
> I'm a newbie myself, though I've one a couple races on "hard". It
> seems braking late and quickly (it, stab the pedal and release it)
> followed by an aggresive attack with the wheel works fairly well.
> Though it really depends on the corner - some just need a lift, some a
> lift and downshift, some two downhifts, etc.
> >...how do
> >I leave the starting line as quick as the AI cars seem to do,
> I'd like to know that as well!
> Joe
This may be a clumsy generalization, but may help someone who doesn't understand
apexes and cornering technique.
Try and drive what seems like a tad too far into the corner without turning.
YOu always start at the 'outside' of a corner and touch the 'inside' part way
through. Where you touch on the 'inside' is really important as to how fast you
can go through the corner. The farther through the corner you are when you
touch the 'inside', the faster you can go on the way out. So....
Stay 'outside' until the last possible second, brake as quickly as possible
without losing control, turn towards the inside of the corner and start
Obviously this doesn;t work in every corner exactly the same, but I have
discovered some people don't understand how to hit an apex or why it is good to
do so and this most basic tidbit about proper cornering can help them a lot.
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> >Stab the brakes you must be using antilock brakes or driveing the GTQ
> >which has antilock brakse standard.
> Yeah I'm still at GTQ.
> Joe