> I'm doing a story on computer *** accessories and I want to write
> about the best, fanciest, most expensive racing wheels on the market.
> So I figured I'd ask you guys. Which of these products do you consider
> the best? What companies should I be talking to?
Force, equipped with Jens Schumachers ball bearing kit. This is Jens'
site: http://www.racesimcentral.net/
The LWFF was built some six years ago and I'm still using it (I've
purchased several used ones to get spare parts). It is not being built
anymore, but it is so good that I've tested all the mainstream FF
wheels, and none equalled the old LWFF.
I'm combining this wheel with ECCI's E3000 pedals, nicknamed tractor
pedals :) but when I used them, they certainly become a very fast tractor :)
Not sure if this is interesting for you as well as it's the opposite of
fancy and new, but maybe you'd like to get a view at the other end of
the spectrum as well (trusty old custom gear...)