I would interject here, that Pricey almost never equates itself to best,
only status.... look at real world stuff, the Hummer doesn't do anything
extremely well, or better than the rest except separate your wallet from the
cash... and of course advertise a 'status'...
I still say, and many would support this statement, that there almost was
never a better wheel made, let alone for the money, than the Microsoft
sidewinder. especially the FF wheel. Sure half of people out there say FF
is not "" you fill in the quotes nicely enough, but I can preemptively say
that FF with good or decent game support, is awesome.
2 reasons I like the sidewinders... Please note I could buy any wheel out
there, even if I wanted one this week, so Im not just spouting off to
justify my purchase I made, what over 3 years ago?
1. durable, now caveat here, the USB version is the ONLY version that works
with XP/2000 (newest MS offerings in operating systems) and I don't think
there was a Mac version... I am a big guy, 230 and I have tortured the
pedals, on one occasion, in a fit, I tried to jump up and down on them to
bust them all to hell... still use these...
2. Precise and inexpensive.There is no "potentiometer" involved, in the
wheel, so the movement (or game input) is precise and never loses
calibration nor does it spike. now I have only tried all the Thrust-Crapper
products, and tried the Logitech momo... and the things just aren't
durable, and in the momo's case, half the time I cant get the games to use
note: some don't like the small diameter wheel, the grips and what not...
or the pedals, I cant argue too hard against that, but they do work well
with what 90% of us gamers use it with, a desk and a desk chair, better than
anything I have seen...
I too would kill to get the guys at ECCI to build me some USB only pedals,
only the ones from the 6000's they make, with a clutch... AND!!! it would
be nicer if I could get them to make the pedals work with the MS wheel like
they did those ugly tractor pedals (cds3000 pedals I think they were) they
sold a while back... so that all games would see them, not just the good
ones (papy! thank friggin gawd that they got this right, way way back
when...) (I almost got them tractor pedal ones (but there was no clutch so
why bother, & I was married at the time, LOL)...
ooooops I got to go...
> Heavens no! That was a different piece, the one about NASCAR sim
> software. This time, I'm writing about hardware.
> I like to change things up now and again...:-)
>> Hiawatha, didn't you go thru (or rather, put us thru) this exercise
>> just a few months ago?