I have a question about Daytona and Papyrus,that I don't believe anyone has
asked,if so I missed it.Ok here it is I went to Daytona USA toward the end
of last year(the attraction) and yes they have a sim racing game Called
Daytona qualifing and yes it is Daytona down to the last dotted line on the
track and is a great sim.But my question is payrus made this for Daytona
USA correct?I was just wondering how Papyrus feels about putting all the
time and money they put in to make this for Daytona and then to get the
snub by them when it came around to rights time between Papy and
Sega,especially with the horriable job Sega has done with thier
represtation of Daytona and the great job Papy has done in Nascar 1 and
Nascar 2 and for the Sim at Daytona USA.From my view papy kicks Segas
ASS!!!!!!!!!! and to hell with Daytona and Bill France let them have thier
track and let crappy ass Sega do another crappy version of the
track.Because from what I have seen Daytona and Bill France are the ones
losing out because from what I have seen Nascar 2 and even Nascar 1 is
kicking Sega's Daytona USA game away in the sales department let alone game
play and and graphics and review's departments. So how do you feel Papy
about how you were done,I'd be very ticked off myself.
Just my 2 cents
Robert Platts