Rally Championship borrow heavily from this movie? Just the whole style of
the peaceful, atmospheric intro, then finally an angry rally car blasting on
the scene...
> >Hi Andre!
> >>PS The best racing action ever put on film is a short movie from
> >>Peugeot, where you see Vitanen climbing Pikes Peak (spelling?)
> >>I watched it again yesterday for the zillionth time, it's absolutely
> >>amazing what he is doing.. and totally crazy too :)
> >>It's on the net somewhere..
> >Thank's for the tip Andre! I found it at:
> >http://www.racesimcentral.net/
> Wow, thank YOU for that site! Lots of great racingvideos there!
> >6min, 67Mb
> >The***minute is shit, but then.......whoahhhhhh
> Great eh :) And I swear you, next time you're driving your car in real
> life, you'll subconsiously start humming that piano tune :)
> >My trousers are still wet! ;-))))
> Too much info there :)
> Andre
> >Greetings
> > Klaus