Here's the latest 3dfx Nascar2 news posted on the 3dfx forum:
Well folks, I'm sure you have missed hearing from me.. heheh... Here
is the latest news about the 3dfx port and Nascar2, as forwarded from
Brian of 3dfx.
* The Entire game is up and running now, but of course there needs to
be some optimizations and bug fixes.
* It is being worked on steadily, but progress on this port continues
to be rather slow.
* Brian is still shooting for a before Christmas release, but don't
be suprised if they are a little late.
* 3dfx seems to be really pushing for this title now, more so than in
the past.
* Not sure if a "beta" will be released, but when released it will
not be a supported port, much like the quake port is NOT supported by
* I expect some screenshots from Brian sometime soon, and may be able
to post them on a website like O3dfx or Voodoo extreme if they will
allow it.
* Brian hasn't said what type of port this will be, but I am
suspecting a glide port, if so, expect to be able to use your extra
texture ram on your Pure3d to get better framerates.
* It will outperform the Rendition port.
* Brian is at Comdex, but he PROMISED me a good informative update
with more DETAILS upon his return, believe me, I'm going to hold him
to this!