I'm having trouble getting speed out of my video card with the game
Grand Prix 2. I just bought the video card yesterday and installed
all the latest drivers for it (the drivers found on the hompage).
Its a VLB Mach64 2M VRam
I've also installed the Vesa Utility for the Mach64.
But I'm only getting 8 or 9 fps in the game. (This information coming
from the proper logs and optoins screens in the game.) This is in
both a dos window and a full dos secession in win95.
This is slower than my old S3 805 2Meg that I had in previously.
I know this is supposed to be a fast video card, but can you help me
in getting the proper speed out of it. Are there certain settings I
should be using in the Vesa Utility?
your help would be greatly appreciated.
Toronto, Canada