> So wring your hands and WORRY about how they FEEL about us.
Erm Dave, you may like to stop and think about WHY they started to feel
something about you (instead of just not caring and / or not knowing
about the country in the first place... like you guys and Denmark, for
You might like to stop and think about WHY most citizens of this world
don't exactly dig American politics now (in most Internet polls about 75
per cent of people outside the US would've voted him out of office - but
the religious right, or rather the $ sponsoring that particular group in
the background, kept him in).
I think most of us Europeans (which would mean 'liberal pussies' to most
Bush voters, but OK - we don't all have a craving for guns & bibles)
could understand the US wanting to strike back after having 9/11, but
most of us don't grok picking Saddam - b*stard extraordinaire though he
may be - and invading Iraq (hey, oil! Lots of it!) instead of going
after Osama properly. He's still out there, I hear?
Personally, I think the US would have a lot to gain if they finally
bullied and/or enforced a proper peace plan for Israel, giving the
Palestians a permanent place of their own on the West Bank and putting a
nicely-sized UN peace force in between (until things cool off in 60-odd
years or so), instead of a dumb wall... At least a proper peace
agreement would give the moderate Muslim majority something positive to
think about (the US that is).
But I guess that's not likely to happen, Bush supporting a hardliner
like Sharon 'nd all. Still, I think in the mid to long term it'd be more
efficient than starting an unprovoked war in Iraq (note I said 'in Iraq'
- Saddam had been keeping relatively quiet under the no-fly zones at the
time). Or wherever the next 'target' may be.
But hey, 'get Osama' seems to have been miraculously swapped for other
intentions, like putting fear of Muslims instead of fear of Russkies,
ditching those pesky international human rights laws especially during
military trials, and policies like 'get WMD uhh... Target Not Found...
Get Oil' - and THAT may be why many people feel not particularly
positive about Bush's US right now.
It's not about defending yourself, it's about how you strike back and at
which particular target. Currently I think he's giving many Muslims the
feeling he's out to get them instead of focusing on the much smaller
group of religious fanatic terrorists. I don't think many people would
mind if Bush had kept on concentrating to chase Osama - the one he
originally said he was out to get. Or that fella Zarqawi, a prime
secondary target if there ever was one.
Regards, Rudy
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