Tim Wortman
North American Simulation Series
Tim Wortman
North American Simulation Series
June 2, Milwaukee
June 16, Portland
June 30, Chicago
July 7, Toronto
July 14, Cleveland
Aug 11, Mid-Ohio
Also, network TBA...
April 14, Long Beach
Oct 6, Miami (street race)
(summarized from http://www.cart.com/TVSchedule.asp?Year=2002)
"But in a way, fear is a big part of racing, because if there was
nothing to be frightened of, and no limit, any fool could get into
a motor car and racing would not exist as a sport." -- Jim Clark
Except for those markets that don't have speedchannel, this is the BEST
thing to happen to CART in a long time. We get two days of LIVE
practices...we get a pre-race show on the Friday before an event, we get a
pre-race show the morning of the event and ....the very best thing.... The
FREAKIN' two hour TV window is history...no more of the following...
"Wow! what a finish, the very first win for driver so&so..Time for golf
so check thepapers for the driver interviews.. goodbye..."
dave henrie
Btw.....while I agree this is a great thing for fans who have
Speechannel, it does nothing to help the woes of CART. I would imagine
that viewership numbers on any race shown on the Speedchannel vs ESPN
or CBS are considerably lower. That can't be a good thing to attract
more sponsors to CART, or keep the ones they have.
>> Will all CART races only be shown on the Speedchannel this year?
> Except for those markets that don't have speedchannel, this is the BEST
>thing to happen to CART in a long time. We get two days of LIVE
>practices...we get a pre-race show on the Friday before an event, we get a
>pre-race show the morning of the event and ....the very best thing.... The
>FREAKIN' two hour TV window is history...no more of the following...
> "Wow! what a finish, the very first win for driver so&so..Time for golf
>so check thepapers for the driver interviews.. goodbye..."
> dave henrie
Long Beach will be on FOX
The rest are on SPEEDchannel
This is very stupid IMHO and VERY annoying for me personally (being a
Scott Dixon fan and all)
I can't belive I can get all the drag racing I want on my sky digital but
can't get CART racing.
> Except for those markets that don't have speedchannel, this is the
> thing to happen to CART in a long time. We get two days of LIVE
> practices...we get a pre-race show on the Friday before an event, we get
> a pre-race show the morning of the event and ....the very best thing....
> The FREAKIN' two hour TV window is history...no more of the
> following...
> "Wow! what a finish, the very first win for driver so&so..Time for
> golf
> so check thepapers for the driver interviews.. goodbye..."
> dave henrie
I thought they said FOX on the show??!!
> > Will all CART races only be shown on the Speedchannel this year?
> > Tim Wortman
> > North American Simulation Series
> > www.nasscar.com
"All government agencies lie part of the time, but NASA is the only one I've
ever encountered that does so routinely."
-- George A. Keyworth, Science Adviser to President Reagan
> Btw.....while I agree this is a great thing for fans who have
> Speechannel, it does nothing to help the woes of CART. I would imagine
> that viewership numbers on any race shown on the Speedchannel vs ESPN
> or CBS are considerably lower. That can't be a good thing to attract
> more sponsors to CART, or keep the ones they have.
> >> Will all CART races only be shown on the Speedchannel this year?
> > Except for those markets that don't have speedchannel, this is the BEST
> >thing to happen to CART in a long time. We get two days of LIVE
> >practices...we get a pre-race show on the Friday before an event, we get
> >pre-race show the morning of the event and ....the very best thing....
> >FREAKIN' two hour TV window is history...no more of the following...
> > "Wow! what a finish, the very first win for driver so&so..Time for
> >so check thepapers for the driver interviews.. goodbye..."
> > dave henrie
> Tim Wortman
> North American Simulation Series
> www.nasscar.com
"All government agencies lie part of the time, but NASA is the only one I've
ever encountered that does so routinely."
-- George A. Keyworth, Science Adviser to President Reagan
> This is very stupid IMHO and VERY annoying for me personally (being a
> Scott Dixon fan and all)
> Grr
> I can't belive I can get all the drag racing I want on my sky digital but
> can't get CART racing.
> >> Will all CART races only be shown on the Speedchannel this year?
> > Except for those markets that don't have speedchannel, this is the
> > BEST
> > thing to happen to CART in a long time. We get two days of LIVE
> > practices...we get a pre-race show on the Friday before an event, we get
> > a pre-race show the morning of the event and ....the very best thing....
> > The FREAKIN' two hour TV window is history...no more of the
> > following...
> > "Wow! what a finish, the very first win for driver so&so..Time for
> > golf
> > so check thepapers for the driver interviews.. goodbye..."
> > dave henrie