NR2003 Loose web setups


NR2003 Loose web setups

by Pete » Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:04:58

> How is competing against the #1 *** company in the world, with an
> fascist culture of developing games, a small thing?  We're talking about a
> small development company with Papyrus.  They were never even a medium
> Papy lasted about 10 years between 1994 with N1 and NR2003 until EA
> was able, with their cashflow to stop having competition.

    Frank, read up on the history of Papy. They have been around since 1988
or slightly before.

NR2003 Loose web setups

by Pete » Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:22:06

> They did fix many things, but other things, well cmon you know how
> development companies work, and they wouldn't spend X ammount of cash,
> especially a fragile one like Papyrus with a low # of employees and cash
> flow, to repair something that affects a small % of all customers. Anyway,
> in that aspect EA is worse as they simply don't care at all, powerful they
> are, and just milk the cow.

    The problem I had with Papyrus was they forgot their strengths and
to their egos. The average employee wasn't treated that well financially at
from what I witnessed. If you watch your boss drive to work in a new Porsche
Ferrari and you get turned down for a few dollar raise because they are cost
    When I was there they had 110 employees if I recall correctly. Plus
there was
the military division working upstairs. They made their name and money on
work they did for other companies. Thats what paid the bills.
    Frank they had patches and fixes that they had made and didn't release.
were ordered by management not to fix things as it wasn't cost effective.
Some of the
patches and fixes were done by the employees on their own time. The
employees of
Papyrus weren't the bad guys here, I think you can put 2 and 2 together.
    They spent a ton of money and time on Hawaii and TEN. That's what broke
the bank.
Sierra wasn't seeing any return on investment and when it came it was too
little too late.
    Add to that the cost of licencing and the fact all their contract work
was ended you
had a one-horse pony.
    EA wanted to buy Papy and never got a shot at it. They probably would
have lost
some of their creative control but they would have had corporate financial
    All water under the bridge now and it's past history. Of course all the
above is
hearsay and supposition on my part. ;-)



NR2003 Loose web setups

by Pete » Thu, 13 Jan 2005 15:31:02

> I have heard the same thing unfortunately.  They have some good guys
> involved.  Havn't always agreed with everyone, but I think guys like Nim,
> have a good understanding.  The only problem is that he doesn't do the
> coding and it is almost like the inmates controlling the asylum.

    Bill, they have a lot of talented people working there but what they
is an objective and honest critic that isn't given the beta 3 days before it
gold. Hawaii pre-beta was fantastic and every week we saw the fruits of our
labours rewarded with constant code and bug tweaking. We had a direct line
to the coders and they listened. Unfortunately, it was the highwater mark.
    It was 5 months before it went open beta. It would never happen that way

    LOL, I'll tell him. Julian has gone over to the darkside. He now has his
own software
company and he is doing commercial flight simulation programming. I guess it
the old addage if you can't beat them join them. :-)



NR2003 Loose web setups

by ymenar » Thu, 13 Jan 2005 17:08:48

>> Papy lasted about 10 years between 1994 with N1 and NR2003 until EA
> finally
>> was able, with their cashflow to stop having competition.

>    Frank, read up on the history of Papy. They have been around since 1988
> or slightly before.

Cmon you know I know it.  I'm talking about NASCAR games here.

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...


NR2003 Loose web setups

by JP » Thu, 13 Jan 2005 23:27:32

> >> Compared to what EA does, they were excellent

> >  <laughter>  Riiiiight.  Let's see, we had N1, N2, GNEP, N1999(with no
> > multi either), Nascar 50 anniversary, N3....all one the same engine,
> > very little physics difference.  Wow, only took, what, eight years for a
> > change.

> Aren't you forgetting the annual EA Nascar game also?  Never has Papyrus
> made a "crap" sim.  They were still always of quality if you never owned
> one.  Now EA, geeze they released Nascar Revolution, Nascar Road Racing
> (worse racing game ever) and tons of annual arcade crapfest while shouting
> they were sims.  At least you knew with Papyrus they were sims.

<laughter>  Man, this just gets better.  "Never has Papy made a ***sim"
Rose colored, hell, you could watch an atomic test with your glasses.

p.s.  I have everything Papy ever made, including 500.


NR2003 Loose web setups

by JP » Thu, 13 Jan 2005 23:32:32

> >  Tough competition ?  Who ?  No one even really tried, including EA,

> How is competing against the #1 *** company in the world, with an
> fascist culture of developing games, a small thing?  We're talking about a
> small development company with Papyrus.  They were never even a medium
> Papy lasted about 10 years between 1994 with N1 and NR2003 until EA
> was able, with their cashflow to stop having competition.

  <sound of black helicopters overhead>  Welcome to the world of business.
Tough.  Papy could have played too, they chose not too.  Don't blame EA or
anyone else for that.  And get over this quaint, small Papy company myth.
It's been obvious for a long time, you're niave as hell, but do try to move

   Cool.  EA games have been semi-accurate too, so I guess we're set, eh ?

  Yes, but that was without the fascist, slavery EA  <laughter>


NR2003 Loose web setups

by ymenar » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 03:38:40

> <laughter>  Man, this just gets better.  "Never has Papy made a ***sim"
> Rose colored, hell, you could watch an atomic test with your glasses.

> p.s.  I have everything Papy ever made, including 500.

So tell me, which Papyrus released software, if you take it individually,
was bad at it's time of it's release?  Sorry but they were *all* good. Icr,
N1, Icr2, N2, N3, Nr99, Gpl, Soda, Nr2002, Nr2003, etc..  The only one,
borderline, was Nascar Racing 4.  And even that was a good release with the
standard quality tracks, multi, replay, gui, sound, etc...  if you compared
it to any EA game.

And tell me, which EA released Nascar game, if you take it individually, was
bad at it's time of it's release? Almost all of them.  Like I wrote, they
produced more then bad sims, they were even BAD arcade games. "Nascar Road
Racing", again, ouch. "Nascar Rumble", "Nascar 99", "Nascar 2000", "Nascar
2001", "Nascar Thunder 2002".  Yikes "Nascar Revolution".

-- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
-- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
Corporation - helping America into the New World...


NR2003 Loose web setups

by Pete » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 05:15:01

    You do realize that the original Nascar was built with the Indy Car
code? In fact some of
the earliest cheats I discovered were using the tire compounds, gearing and
wing settings
from Indy Car Racing in the Nascar game. I don't believe these were ever
fixed when I
pointed it out to Papyrus. I had great fun racing Bristol with an Indy Car.
After the beta
that was changed and you couldn't do that anymore.


NR2003 Loose web setups

by JP » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 06:49:01

> > <laughter>  Man, this just gets better.  "Never has Papy made a ***
> > Rose colored, hell, you could watch an atomic test with your glasses.

> > p.s.  I have everything Papy ever made, including 500.

> So tell me, which Papyrus released software, if you take it individually,
> was bad at it's time of it's release?  Sorry but they were *all* good.
> N1, Icr2, N2, N3, Nr99, Gpl, Soda, Nr2002, Nr2003, etc..  The only one,
> borderline, was Nascar Racing 4.  And even that was a good release with
> standard quality tracks, multi, replay, gui, sound, etc...  if you
> it to any EA game.

> And tell me, which EA released Nascar game, if you take it individually,
> bad at it's time of it's release? Almost all of them.  Like I wrote, they
> produced more then bad sims, they were even BAD arcade games. "Nascar Road
> Racing", again, ouch. "Nascar Rumble", "Nascar 99", "Nascar 2000", "Nascar
> 2001", "Nascar Thunder 2002".  Yikes "Nascar Revolution".

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
> Corporation - helping America into the New World...

  I'd say the only one good at its release, as you ask, was gpl.  Come on,
all Nx up until N4 was, was icr with stock car graphics (and poor ones at
that) instead.  They sure didn't simulate stock cars any more than any of
the EA stuff you list.

  Going to another company, Heat blew Papy stuff away, not only in "minor"
stuff like graphics, but realism too.  But if failed in a crucial area;
online, specifically yellows.  Right now, that's the only thing (albeit a
huge one) Papy has on anyone imo; online code.
  And even that has decreased in quality after Heath left Papy.

Goy Larse

NR2003 Loose web setups

by Goy Larse » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 08:21:12

> > Cmon you know I know it.  I'm talking about NASCAR games here.

>     You do realize that the original Nascar was built with the Indy Car
> code? In fact some of
> the earliest cheats I discovered were using the tire compounds, gearing and
> wing settings
> from Indy Car Racing in the Nascar game. I don't believe these were ever
> fixed when I
> pointed it out to Papyrus. I had great fun racing Bristol with an Indy Car.
> After the beta
> that was changed and you couldn't do that anymore.

Hehe....almost like old times

Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"

"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--

Bill Bollinge

NR2003 Loose web setups

by Bill Bollinge » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:25:05

Rumor has it that DMP League will be moving to EA's SimRacing Mid Summer.

Bill Bollinger

>>> "Same old same old" = established quality at it's basis

>> Like he said before.... PapyFanboy.  Which kind of amazes me Frankie.
>> Never thought you were.  But, I for one can say that NR2003 is not that
>> great.

> Sure man it's outdatted nowadays.  It was perhaps even outdated back then,
> but it's a solid, damn good simulation.  Wish is better than *anything* EA
> has ever released for a Nascar sim to this day.  Why can't I be sceptikal?
> I'm all for a better sim then NR2003 anyway, but it'll be a very, very
> rough road and all that EA has gave us in the past was a failure
> considering their cashflow and power.

> All in all, if you consider NR2003 to be "not that great", how did you
> deal with N2?  How can you deal with anything related to simracing as
> NR2003 is pretty much near the top of everything done to date.

> --
> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
> Corporation - helping America into the New World...

Jan Verschuere

NR2003 Loose web setups

by Jan Verschuere » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 11:13:37

I can attest Frank has always given his honest opinion on every racing game
he's tried, including the Papy ones.

In fact I've ribbed him on many occasions, saying he would play a game he
didn't like much to death, just to make sure he didn't like it. ;-)


Don Burnett

NR2003 Loose web setups

by Don Burnett » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:30:41

>>> <laughter>  Man, this just gets better.  "Never has Papy made a
>>> ***sim" Rose colored, hell, you could watch an atomic test with
>>> your glasses.

>>> p.s.  I have everything Papy ever made, including 500.

>> So tell me, which Papyrus released software, if you take it
>> individually, was bad at it's time of it's release?  Sorry but they
>> were *all* good. Icr, N1, Icr2, N2, N3, Nr99, Gpl, Soda, Nr2002,
>> Nr2003, etc..  The only one, borderline, was Nascar Racing 4.  And
>> even that was a good release with the standard quality tracks,
>> multi, replay, gui, sound, etc...  if you compared it to any EA game.

>> And tell me, which EA released Nascar game, if you take it
>> individually, was bad at it's time of it's release? Almost all of
>> them.  Like I wrote, they produced more then bad sims, they were
>> even BAD arcade games. "Nascar Road Racing", again, ouch. "Nascar
>> Rumble", "Nascar 99", "Nascar 2000", "Nascar 2001", "Nascar Thunder
>> 2002".  Yikes "Nascar Revolution".

>> --
>> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
>> -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
>> Corporation - helping America into the New World...

>  I'd say the only one good at its release, as you ask, was gpl.  Come
> on, all Nx up until N4 was, was icr with stock car graphics (and poor
> ones at that) instead.  They sure didn't simulate stock cars any more
> than any of the EA stuff you list.

>  Going to another company, Heat blew Papy stuff away, not only in
> "minor" stuff like graphics, but realism too.  But if failed in a
> crucial area; online, specifically yellows.  Right now, that's the
> only thing (albeit a huge one) Papy has on anyone imo; online code.
>  And even that has decreased in quality after Heath left Papy.

There you go, that was the name I was trying to remember, Charlie Heath.
Great guy, and worked *** the online collision code to try and make it
better. Too bad he was the only one that wanted it better at the time.
Don Burnette

"When you decide something is impossible to do, try to stay out of the
way of the man that's doing it."


NR2003 Loose web setups

by JP » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 13:25:53

> >>> <laughter>  Man, this just gets better.  "Never has Papy made a
> >>> ***sim" Rose colored, hell, you could watch an atomic test with
> >>> your glasses.

> >>> p.s.  I have everything Papy ever made, including 500.

> >> So tell me, which Papyrus released software, if you take it
> >> individually, was bad at it's time of it's release?  Sorry but they
> >> were *all* good. Icr, N1, Icr2, N2, N3, Nr99, Gpl, Soda, Nr2002,
> >> Nr2003, etc..  The only one, borderline, was Nascar Racing 4.  And
> >> even that was a good release with the standard quality tracks,
> >> multi, replay, gui, sound, etc...  if you compared it to any EA game.

> >> And tell me, which EA released Nascar game, if you take it
> >> individually, was bad at it's time of it's release? Almost all of
> >> them.  Like I wrote, they produced more then bad sims, they were
> >> even BAD arcade games. "Nascar Road Racing", again, ouch. "Nascar
> >> Rumble", "Nascar 99", "Nascar 2000", "Nascar 2001", "Nascar Thunder
> >> 2002".  Yikes "Nascar Revolution".

> >> --
> >> -- Fran?ois Mnard <ymenard>
> >> -- This announcement is brought to you by the Shimago-Dominguez
> >> Corporation - helping America into the New World...

> >  I'd say the only one good at its release, as you ask, was gpl.  Come
> > on, all Nx up until N4 was, was icr with stock car graphics (and poor
> > ones at that) instead.  They sure didn't simulate stock cars any more
> > than any of the EA stuff you list.

> >  Going to another company, Heat blew Papy stuff away, not only in
> > "minor" stuff like graphics, but realism too.  But if failed in a
> > crucial area; online, specifically yellows.  Right now, that's the
> > only thing (albeit a huge one) Papy has on anyone imo; online code.
> >  And even that has decreased in quality after Heath left Papy.

> There you go, that was the name I was trying to remember, Charlie Heath.
> Great guy, and worked *** the online collision code to try and make it
> better. Too bad he was the only one that wanted it better at the time.
> --
> Don Burnette

> "When you decide something is impossible to do, try to stay out of the
> way of the man that's doing it."

  Yeah, iirc, it's been a different "team" doing the online stuff from N4
on.  Hell, N3 had better collision code than what we have now.

NR2003 Loose web setups

by Pete » Fri, 14 Jan 2005 14:03:34

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