Well, seeing as the server is 40 miles away and I'm connecting remotely, that
isn't an option... Can you imagine how much bigger the F1C community would be
if they HAD a dedicated server option? Someone dropped the ball BIG time on
that one... :-(
No it wouldn't, but at least I wouldn't have been spinning every other lap...
We'll see. I seem to remember getting FPS of 40-50 before the HD crash. I
need to tweak some more stuff yet, obviously. I still won't be competitive,
but at least it won't be so frustrating(hopefully).
"A voice from the crowd: Right, everyone out of my garden. I've had
enough of this!"
Homepage - http://www.racesimcentral.net/~epickett
GPLRank -2.4
N2k3 rank ?
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