>>Leaving all discussions about physics aside, for me the track detail
>>in GP4 was much more realistic than in F1-2002 (once you tweaked some
>>of the bright textures a bit) and this added a lot to the immersion
>>factor of a race weekend (plus having all those little pit guys
>>scrambling around for every team - very cool). Have the track
>>graphics, trackside object quantity and track layout been improved in
> Not at all.
dave henrie
Love the game though, I agree with all your points Jason. Plus the fact that
it 'feels' like you're at an F1 event, as opposed to just playing an F1
driving game.
> > There is no comparision between the drivng of GP4 and F1c
> Despite having a less sophisticated engine, I find GP4 slightly more
> convincing. Oddly, the reason I felt F1C was a huge leap over F1 2002
> was that the physics felt more like GP4 (albeit, again, in a more
> sophisticated engine). The AI and tracks are ultimately why I tend to
> prefer GP4 altho I play them both (they both have shit for
> multiplayer).