>GP3 - Framerate problems?
>Here's mine:
then I'd envy you for your system. :-)
>GP3 - Framerate problems?
>Here's mine:
My impression is that the game is ok on 1/, but 2/ on the other
hand really stinks.
The only good thing about the 25 fps limitation is that when you
switch from GP3 to GPL, the GPL 36 fps feels completely smooth.
For a while...
Mats Lofkvist
I just put GP2 back on my system for a little test, and noticed a little
something about the FPS selection in the advanced graphics options... it is
also 'limited' to 25fps. However, the estimate below says GREATER THAN
So, in GP2, isn't the FPS selector only used for automatic detail selection,
and if it can run faster than 25fps with the details you have selected, it
will? And if so, wouldn't it be the same case in GP3???
> > I don't think anyone takes the GP3 framerate complaints
> > seriously. I certainly don't.
> People are talking about two different things when they discuss
> framerates, 1/ performance of the 3d engine and 2/ the frame
> rate limitation to 25.x fps.
> My impression is that the game is ok on 1/, but 2/ on the other
> hand really stinks.
> The only good thing about the 25 fps limitation is that when you
> switch from GP3 to GPL, the GPL 36 fps feels completely smooth.
> For a while...
> _
> Mats Lofkvist