doing the right things.
Is there a standard format for the naming of the car file that should be
used ?
Should it be based on SIERRA ID Name, or the REAL NAME ?
I have changed my IN CAR name to Larry Bles, as requested by John.
The name of the updated car file I updated is
Should it be something different?
If I may make a suggestion, I have an idea that might make it easier on
everyone. I'm not the only one who has been confused by a lot of this, and
I think we need a formal "Tip Sheet" that lays it out, once and for all, for
everyone to be referred to. This tip sheet would include:
1. How and Where to post your Car File.
2. How to name everything INSIDE the car file.
3. How to name the CAR FILE itself.
4. Exact URL to the Forum.
5. Exact URL to the Car Set (this was really hard to find, as another
person on the board indicated.
6. A list of all the volunteer's who put this all together, so we know who
to thank.
I really think this would help cut down on the confusion, and make the
process much easier. I think it's assumed that everyone knows what to do
and where, but it's obvious from all the Q&A that goes on that everyone
If this were to be done, then the only real answer to anyone's question
could be "Go to url" and it will have all the
procedures for RASCAR Administrative needs right there in simple
step-by-step process.
Just an idea :)
Thanks :)
-Larry (LTB-Racer)