>>In World Circuit I, did anybody notice that one achieves the faster
>>times in qualifying by achieving higher straightaway speeds rather
>>than cornering speeds?
>No, just the opposite: speed on the straights is inferior to cornering
>speeds, on most tracks (about 12 out of 16). It is partially caused by
>the fact that the starting speed on a straight is higher if you have
>optimized for cornering speed (since you exit faster).
I thought about the higher exit speed on the corners, but would that
be sufficient to get you upto a higher top speed? I think your extra
exit speed should just get you to your top speed earlier, but your top
speed should remain pretty much the same in either case.
But even in tight Monaco, my top speed just goes through the roof; I
think I've hit 180mph through the tunnel. I estimate that with these
1991-era cars, I am achieving 1994-era top speeds. That's because
between those two eras, the real life rev limits on the cars have
increased at least 3000rpm.
Yes, that does make sense. Lower weight should do more for
acceleration and top speed than that extra speed exiting the corner.
And yes, I agree, the fuel simulation really sucks in WC1. Have you
ever run out of fuel during a race? I've never done it.
Also, I've run out of tires during a race, but none of the computer
simulated opponents ever seem to come in for tire changes.
One thing that I have done with the car, that I would have never
guessed the designers even attempted to simulate was getting airborne.
I was in a Benetton in Hockenheim, attempting to go through one of the
little kinks, and then it happened: I screwed up, and hit the wall
several times, and one time I actually saw myself rise above the wall!
I played it back several times from several different angles, and I'm
certain that all four wheels were completely off the ground. Too bad
WC1 didn't have a replay save feature like ICR1 did.
Yousuf Khan