>I'll let this be my last contribution to this thread since it seems to be
>going a bit far afield from the intended RL topic. But I have to say the
>above statement, as regards RL, is contradicted by your very presence in
>RAS. It's inconceivable that anyone with the basic interest that leads them
>here would not care. One might well think C&T are nuts and RL will never
>see the light of day. But if you care about sims, you cannot be completely
>indifferent to such a project. And if one doesn't care about sims, why are
>they here?
No, that was basically not caring about religion.
If RL does make it to the public, I'll definitely check out a demo, at least.
Rumors of a high price tag may keep me from buying it right away, though. I
love racing sims, but my relative lack of speed, and other things going on in
my life mean that I need to change priorities. So I no longer wait with bated
breath for the next new computer game, as I once did. If there were going to
be a Starcraft 2, I might change my mind...<g>
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