I didn't quite get the weight section. I quess these rear and left bias
settings will move the weight and not increase total weight?
How the cross weight works? Is it additional ballast? Manual says
"..place weight over a specific wheel". Is the "specific" wheel
specified with rear and left bias settings?
How the restrictor plate works? I know it should keep the top speed at
200 mph, but more specific description would be nice.
What are the yellow flag rules in Nascar? I've been overtaken several
times few seconds after the yellow flag has been waved. Is this supposed
to happen?
I suppose there isn't (yet) internet Nascar hotlap list? Just
curious how much my Talladega 196.307 mph (with restrictor plate)
could be improved;-)
Although I've criticized the european _manual_ of Nascar Racing couple
of times, the game is excellent and well worth of buying.