The 300a is the choice for overclocking - it appears that you have a very
good chance of running it at 450. The Abit BH6 is the only board to get -
if you can find one in stock somewhere right now. Boxed Celerons can be
found right now for as low as 70.00.
Don't even consider the K-6, it is not good for games unless the game has
a 3D-Now instruction set. Also, the Super 7 mobos needed to run this chip
had a lot of problems and may still have them now.
It is not uncommon to have to step up the core voltage to get to 450.
This means cooling is an issue - but a good heatsink fan and perhaps an
extra case fan will probably suffice.
There is a company called Minotaur technologies- - that
will sell you a 300a that has been pretested at 450 for $20.00 more than
their standard price. As of yesterday, that was 79.00 untested, $99.00
tested. I have not bought from them, but they are well regarded at However, check on their return policies - they
may not take CPU's back. (If you catered to Overclockers, would you?)
I am about to take the plunge myself. Wish ATX cases and PC100 ram were
> I am seriously considering ordering a Celeron 300A next week.
> But I have a few questions...
> All related to overclocking to 450. FWIW I studied Computer Science
> in University for several years (and finished my degree). I also have
> a P150 overclocked to 166. Tried 180+ but wouldn't boot or had system
> errors. The point being that I am not new to this computer thing.
> I am either getting a Celeron 300A or an AMD K6-400
> 1) What motherboard should I get?
> 2) What are multipliers and bus speeds typically to overclock to 450?
> What should I be looking for in a motherboard?
> 3) If you have a 300A overclocked to 450, have you had any error
> messages while running Win95/98? When I tried running my P150 with a
> 75 bus speed I got a lot of error message--in fact my system was
> outright unstable. When I tried 66*3, it wouldn't boot up at all.
> 4) Is the Sound Blaster 64 PCI supported in Grand Prix Legends?
> 5) Any problems with overheating? Should I put the computer unit
> into a refrigerator? :))
> 6) Any other advice?
> 7) What about the Celeron 400?
Otto Matheke
"Mandrake, have you ever seen a commie drink a glass of water?"