Trying out the MSFF (using EB's liberal return policy). Nice wheel. Solid,
precise, pretty good FF feel. Don't like the feeling of the internal gears
when FF effects are low. The gears sort of click when turning the wheel.
Only happens when you are travelling slow or stopped (no FF effects
happening) but still worries me that this might kick in while driving. Also
worried about durability of plastic teeth on gears (LWFF has steel cable
drive which sounds stronger ;-). Good pedals, nice size and long travel.
Very precise but springs are far too light. Bear in mind I own a TSW2 with
serious pedal springs so I'm biased. Don't like the "paddle" shifters since
they don't remotely resemble paddles, just small paddle like buttons.
Excellent FF effects in GPL after some tweaks (see my longwinded post on
this under GPL FF SETUP TIPS). I ordered the Logitech Wingman Formula Force
from BUY.COM for $111 (shipped today!) and will keep the winner of this
comparison. I'm probably not as impressed with MSFF as I should be because
I've read so many reviews and posts claiming the LWFF is the choice for sim
racers that I'm probably leaning towards that wheel. Not completely
objective but I'm human. I'll be sure to post a comparison for those of you
considering the MSFF vs. LWFF. These 2 and the ACT Labs Force RS seem the
be the 3 popular FF wheels. Not interested in ACT Labs bc it ranks last in
all comparisons I've read (vs. MSFF & LWFF) and most frequent problem facing
sim racers is overpowering FF and less precise steering compared to the
others. Now no flames, I know I haven't tried it but I've read this in
several reviews and I don't have the inclination to order the ACT Labs as
well :-). Bottom line, MSFF is a very good wheel and won't disappoint you.
Just may not be the best choice for GPL, especially if you already have good
pedals since the LWFF pedals look terrible so you may want to use your
pedals with the LWFF wheel (my intended setup since my TSW2 pedals are
Joe Marques