% Is it possible to get this combination work together? I want to use
% the Pro Pedals as separate brake and throttle and the GP1 only as a
% steering wheel. I don't need the paddles, although it would be nice to
% use one of them as the clutch in GPL.
% Win98 doesn't recognize the GP1, if I try to connect it as a 2 axis,
% 4 button stick. I know win98 needs both the axes to recognize a stick.
% The date sticker on this GP1 reads 970930. On which axis are the
% paddles on this unit? How can I get them to be stick 1 Y-axis?
The following are some good links to try to get your combo to work
(especially Alison's GP1 page).
Alison's Racing Pages
The URL is http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~alison/racing/
T2 Wheel http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~alison/sims/t2.htm
GP1 Wheel http://www.nh.ultranet.com/~alison/sims/gp1.htm
Joeri J. Cox also has some great information at:
Regarding the sticker date:
Technical Bulletin April 24, 1997
IMPORTANT! Converter Not Needed for GP1's manufactured since December
14, 1996!
This technical bulletin applies only to GP1 Driving Wheels. Please
reference the date code on the bottom of the steering console.
If the number for the date code is less than 961214, (in other words, if
the GP1 was manufactured before December 14, 1996) use the setup
information that exists in your GP1 manual and FYI sheet.
If the number for the date code is 961214 or later, (in other words, if
the GP1 was manufactured after December 14, 1996) the converter is no
longer needed, and is NOT supplied in the box. The GP1 now connects
directly to your computer's gameport as shown in the installation
diagram in the manual.
**Note: the date code consists of six numbers. The first two numbers are
the year of manufacture (961214). The second two numbers are the month
of manufacture (961214) in this case the 12 month or December. The last
two numbers are the day of manufacture(961114) in this case the 14 day.
The proper translation of 961214 is December 14, 1996.
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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