> I sure would be a lot easier to scan items of interest without having to
> wade through all this GP2 crap. I read some of the to keep up with what
> other sims are doing, but I don't want to have to download all the
> threads to get to the Nascar stuff.
> --
> ***************************************************
> * Rick Thompson *
> * http://www.gfurrow.com/~pwrmongr/pwrhome.html *
> ***************************************************
I sure would be a lot easier to scan items of interest without having to
wade through all this Nascar crap. I read some of the to keep up with what
other sims are doing, but I don't want to have to download all the
threads to get to the GP2 stuff.
I sure would be a lot easier to scan items of interest without having to
wade through all this ICR2 crap. I read some of the to keep up with what
other sims are doing, but I don't want to have to download all the
threads to get to the GP2 stuff.
I sure would be a lot easier to scan items of interest without having to
wade through all this Nascar crap. I read some of the to keep up with what
other sims are doing, but I don't want to have to download all the
threads to get to the ICR2 stuff.
I sure would be a lot easier to scan items of interest without having to
wade through all this ICR2 crap. I read some of the to keep up with what
other sims are doing, but I don't want to have to download all the
threads to get to the Nascar stuff.
Left any out?
BTW, are you using Microsoft Internet Exploder? (asking because you have to
download all the threads).
* http://www1.tip.nl/users/t752096/Index.htm *
* Windows :-( .....brings you yesterdays speed today *
* .....the choice of a brainwashed generation *