% I'm interested in purchasing a wheel for use with GPL and have some basic
% questions;
% Of the different wheels available are is it possible to spend $100 or less
% and still get satisfactory results? What have people's experiences been with
% the different wheels available ?
For a wheel under $100, I can would say your best bet is to choose a
Thrustmaster product.
% In the set-up programming if I don't want to use the pedals for throttle and
% braking, can the wheel paddles be assigned to control throttle and brakes
% while using buttons to control upshifting and downshifting?
If you do not want to use pedals for throttle/brake your best bet is the
Thrustmaster Sprint (MSRP $59.95). They also have a better wheel and
pedal combination, the Super Sport (MSRP $79.95). However, the latter
will not allow use of the paddles for throttle/brake.
% Are there limitations if I also wanted to use the wheel with a laptop
% computer? I have a Dell Inspiron 7000, with which a joystick can be used -
% is there any reason why a wheel can't be used?
If you lap tap will accept a joystick it will more than likely work with
any wheel that uses a standard game port. I say likely, because it is
rare, but you must insure that your game port on your laptop supports
"dual joysticks" for most of the current wheels to work. Most of the
wheels being manufactured today have the wheel and throttle on separate
joysticks (A&B or 1&2).
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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