> > Game over.
It took nearly 4 hours to complete 9 innings, and maybe 30 minutes of
that (I'm being generous) actually involved playing the game.
Baseball needs to seriously do something about the constant lulls. 20
years ago guys didn't step out of the box after every single pitch and
commercial breaks weren't 3 friggen minutes long. Seriously, I
haven't watched much baseball on TV since 93 and I'm completely
flabbergasted at how boring that game was. Between the constant
starts and stops and listening to Tim McCarver I nearly chewed my foot
>> Sorry - should of prefaced that with an "OT:"
>> > Game over.
David G Fisher
> > Game over.
- David Cook
You can argue that maybe they should not be concerned with getting every
player in the game. This way, they would have extra pitching at the end.
Or maybe just make it a maximum of 10 or 11 innings no matter what.
I think it was bad what happened but it was more of the circumstances. I
don't think Selig had a choice. He made the right call in that situation.
Not a great one but had to be made.
Just not cool for the fans regardless of *arm wear*. Hell it wasn't to
long ago pitchers threw 300+ inning a year and it was quite common. No we
have a bunch of primadonna millionaires that whine/cry about everything.
Put the frreakin managers out there to pitch, but finish the game!!
> - David Cook
> > Which pitcher's arm did you want to sacrifice for a meaningless game?
> > Phillies kind of like their young pitcher.
> > David G Fisher
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> >Which pitcher's arm did you want to sacrifice for a meaningless game? The
> >Phillies kind of like their young pitcher.
> If the game has deteriorated to the point where guys can't pitch for more
> 2 innings, then we may as well quit now... :(
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 08:10:05 GMT, "David G Fisher"
>David G Fisher
>> Sorry - should of prefaced that with an "OT:"
>> > Game over.
Canseco pitched once and was out for a long time because of it.
> On Wed, 10 Jul 2002 08:10:05 GMT, "David G Fisher"
> >Which pitcher's arm did you want to sacrifice for a meaningless game? The
> >Phillies kind of like their young pitcher.
> >David G Fisher
> >> Sorry - should of prefaced that with an "OT:"
> >> > Game over.
> Tim Wortman
> North American Simulation Series
> www.nasscar.com
The biggest reason pitchers throw fewer innings now is because of the
length of the games (which needs to be and can easily be fixed if
baseball had a commissioner who understood the game).
If you go back through history, you'll see that pitchers as a whole
throw just as long, time-wise, as they did 20 years ago when a typical
game was 2/3 as long. The problem is that an average pitcher's arm
tightens up after 2 to 2 and a half hours, and I can't remember the
last time I saw a game that was under 3.
There's a great quote by Jim Kaat, who was known for working quickly,
where he explained that his arm turned into a pumpkin after 2 hours.
And you think maybe the fans wanted to see a game end in a tie? You
know how much it costs to attend a major league game now days?
It's rare, but I've seen players from other positions come in to
pitch, and I can't remember any being out with injuries because of it.
I'm not saying it would have been pretty. Just trying to figure out
some way this game could have been completed.
Tim Wortman
North American Simulation Series
> >That would be a dumb move. Pitching is very specialized as far as arm
> >motion and for a non pitcher to pitch, it could cause an injury. Unless
> >they just go up and throw. But is that really what fans want to see?
> And you think maybe the fans wanted to see a game end in a tie? You
> know how much it costs to attend a major league game now days?
> It's rare, but I've seen players from other positions come in to
> pitch, and I can't remember any being out with injuries because of it.
> I'm not saying it would have been pretty. Just trying to figure out
> some way this game could have been completed.
On the other hand, I do think that players today get treated with kid
gloves, and I think that they should have the professional pride to be
honored to play the all-star game, and the will to do what it takes to win.
The pitching should be used at least a little more like a regular game -
starters should pitch 3 innings minimum for example. Then perhaps we
wouldn't get in this mess in the first place.