> I want to hook two computers together to play Nascar2 by direct
> connect,but I want to know if there is away to hook them together some
> other way besides using a null modem cable. I have heard it can be
> done with Phone lines,if so I would like to know how to do this.
> Thanks,
> Kenneth
Some modems will allow a phone line directly from one modem to the
The problem then is getting the connection made.
The Dialing computer won't see a dial tone.
The Answer computer won't see a "ring".
What you need to do is make to modem to modem connection outside of
Run some kind of terminal (communications) program on both computers.
Set the com port speed in the terminal program to the same that Nascar2
will use (9600 is what you want)
Send to the dialing modem the command to not wait for dial tone (X0 does
this for my USR modem)
Tell the dialing modem to dial any number.
When you hear the beep beep beep from the dialing modem, tell the Answer
modem to answer (ATA for my modem)
Then hopefully you will see a "connect 9600" on both systems.
At that time you need to exit your terminal program yet leave the
connection active. (Windows versions may have problems with this step..
I do it in Dos using DSZ.COM (it's old, but handy))
Run Nascar2, Multiplayer, and select Direct Connect.
One person answers, the other dials. This direction doesn't have to
match the original Dial/Answer from above.
You will find that this connection is usually just a little better than
a regular phone connection because no phone company hardware is
generating noise.