Does anyone know how to get the 3-D version of IndyCar Racing II? It
is not available in software stores, and the Sierra site is not taking
new registrations for its bulletin board. Any help would be much
Does anyone know how to get the 3-D version of IndyCar Racing II? It
is not available in software stores, and the Sierra site is not taking
new registrations for its bulletin board. Any help would be much
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Does anyone know how to get the 3-D version of IndyCar Racing II? It
is not available in software stores, and the Sierra site is not taking
new registrations for its bulletin board. Any help would be much
Unless you intend to use it for Noonan's GPL track converter. The Rendition
Ready versions result in better graphics if you run these tracks in GPL.
I'm still looking for such a version now. Be warned- some versions of
CART/ICR2 are labeled as being RR when in fact they are NOT!!! I wish I'd
known this before I bought my falsely marked non-RR version. for more info on this.
Add-ons/tracks/enhanced CART tracks for GPL path should get you to a very
well detailed page describing the differences. Don't make my mistake.
Just ignore this if you don't intend to use these tracks in GPL. If you do
and you find a RR version, feel free to email me where you found it. thanks