On Tue, 27 Jul 1999 11:03:23 -0400, Amit Nandi
>In my quest for better framerates in gpl
>I am deciding between the STB Voodoo2 (PCI)
>and Herc. Thriller 3D on my now low-end system.
>I am currently running an AMD K6-233 with 64M ram
>and a Voodoo1 card. With no other cars on the track
>and mirror details off I generally get about 25-30 fps.
>Any advice is appreciated.
My first advice would be a processor upgrade, preferable to
something with a 100 or so MHz bus speed. Yeah, costs money, I
know... :)
For just a video card for that system, I'd say the Thriller would
give you better FPS than the Voodoo2. Also, you might look at a
"But in a way, fear is a big part of racing, because if there was
nothing to be frightened of, and no limit, any fool could get into
a motor car and racing would not exist as a sport." -- Jim Clark