I think that although most people are frustrated with trying to get
GP2, Spectrum Holobyte knows very well that sales will not be hurt. Yet
there sheer incompetence handling their promotion and relase of this
game is simply pathetic, from an end user's point of view.
Whoever does their customer service/marketing planning really needs to
be let go. I have lost a considerable amount of respect for Scectrum
Holobyte over there inability to handle and understand the most basic
product concepts. Hey, how old is Falcon 3?? Is Top Gun really any
good? Ohh.. Virtual Karts was such a hit....
I can only hope that GP2 will be made with the kind of quality we all
expect... and I think it will. But this does not give any exception to
the way this game has been promoted, and I think end users should not
forget this! This game had better be good...
The Spectrum Holobyte office in Alameda, Ca., in a phone call I had
with their corporate sales 3 weeks ago, said that GP2 is to be released
in the beginning of July. Take that for all its worth...