> >>BTW, are all ICR2 guys finding it impossible to keep up with front
> >>runners at 100%? I sure am. I don't know what else I can do to the
> >>car, even with wings at absolute min. (3.0), they fly past me on the
> >>straights...
> >Been there, done that, gave up.<g>
> >ICR2 is currently collecting dust on my HD...
> Ya, I qualify first, no problem, but in the race, I can't keep up with
> anybody. Sort of gets depressing... But I still want to keep with
> Michigan until sunday
> Jeeze... sunday is going to be a busy day. F1 at 8 AM, ignoring
> Indy500 at 11:00, then the real race at 2:00 at Michigan... talk about
> a full racing day!