>Just a dreamy thought...
>I`ve always thought it a shame that Virtual Reality never really took off.
>Can you imagine games with todays 3D graphics quality? (stuff those 320x200
>blocky polygon images from years ago)
>More to the point, a DRIVING game with a 3d headset on must surely be
>fantastic on the senses. Imagine GPL with full 360 degree head movement and
>all in true 3d...
>Do you think headsets will ever take off? i think it will be a real shame
>if noone bothers, especially for the likes of `simmers`
I remember playing some stupid 3D shoot-em-up game in an arcade. It was sort
of like Doom in VR. The graphics sucked(washed out/no detail), the movement
wasn't fluid, the movements didn't match the screen - it was a waste of a buck.
After playing for about 5 minutes(or whatever) I had a headache. I have no
interest in trying it again...
Dale Earnhardt, Sr. R.I.P. 1951-2001
Homepage - http://www.umich.edu/~epickett
F1 hcp. +24.63...F2 +151.26...
Never argue with an idiot. He brings you down to his level, then beats you
with experience...
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