>Has anyone experienced a loss of calibration while in GP2?
>I realize a reduction of 2-3 sec. per lap occasionally, that I thought
>was due to tire wear or mechanical difficulties. However, a pit stop does
>not remedy the situation. Instead, recalibrating my wheel and pedals
>brings my times back to normal. Has anyone else had this problem or, does
>anyone know what might be causing it.
>Lew Wiegand
Your problem could well be that you are not using 100% throttle
despite having the pedal floored,you could check your data logger to
see if this is true.
The cause of this is likely to be a 'dirty' potentiometer in the
throttle pedal,this would give rise to irratic values.
There are two solutions.If you don't mind opening your foot pedal case
you can locate the pot' and give it a good clean with some contact
cleaner (get this at your local electrical store) ,spray it into the
pot' and move the pedal back and forth.(Unplug the pedals first)
The other way to help is to calibrate the pedal by pushing it forward
as normal but just letting it back slightlty this should allow more of
a margin for 100% throttle.
Richard Sobey