today I finally got a negative handicap of -0.05.
Like everyone (or so it seems), when I first got GPL I
didn't really like it, played a few laps and it was left
untouched for a long time. But after a friend convinced
me it was really a good game once you learn to drive, I
picked it up again and started driving :)
So a few laps in last October, then lots more during
December and finally a few laps in January finally
did it :) (here "few" means anything from 1 to 50).
Thanks to Malcolm Edeson for the GPLEGS tutorial (very
helpful!) that helped push times down quite a bit, and
then the final information came from J. Ketola regarding
rear-wheel drive cars and how you should handle the spin :)
(Never driven a rear-wheel drive car in RL, so of course,
when the car started sliding I steered to the wrong
direction... :-)
Now I only need to find out where the missing 87 seconds or
so are to catch GH ... :^)
aka Kanttu Vei
GLPrank handicap -0.05