17 Jan V. Technix Chevy
26 Eldred Pickett Spiderman Chevy
43 John Simmons Camel Ford
49 ZZ Busch Anheuser Busch Chevy
83 Grubbat Grubbat Dodge*
98 Larry Bles Pup-peroni Chevy
99 Mike Kay Elrikk Dodge
* = All new paint scheme
If you though I was supposed to paint you a car for use in RASCAR,
and you don't see your name on the list above, let me know. At this
time, I'm only providing paintjobs for RASCAR guys (or past RASCAR
guys if I have their car PSP file).
All of these paint schemes will be finished a few days after the sim
is released. I am waiting until then because we never know if the
models will be a bit different from what's in the demo, and I still
have to do the pitcrews
They will be posted on the racesimcentral forum as they are