have their car files:
#31 Cupid Stunt
#65 Gary Stephenson
#70 Ian Parker
#88 Randall Johnson
One other thing (and it's an admittedly minor point, but it weirds me
out a little) - I thnk it would be better if everyone used just a two-
digit car number.
The 300-series of car numbers is used by the sim when one driver joins a
race with a given car number (let's say #43), and then a 2nd driver
joins the same race with the same car number. Since #43 was already
taken when the first driver joined, the second driver will be assigned a
car number in the 300-range.
The 100-series is used to indicate canned Papyrus cars, and are probably
intended for people that have either no desire, no tools, and/or no
talent for painting. These cars are kind of silly looking, IMHO, and
should be avoided at all costs.
So, in the interest of making sure that I'm happy (irregardless of
everyone else's feelings - Tony Rickard and ZZ Busch are familiar with
this train opf thought), I'd like to suggest, promote, and lobby for
strict compliance with the newly proposed (and admittedly anal) "use a
two-digit car number" rule.
For instance, Joachim uses #128, he could use #28 if he wanted to (I
dont think anyone's taken it yet). Estop uses #120, but could use 20
because I think it's still available.
Lastly, someone in last night's race wanted my car site URL again, so
here it is:
Redneck Techno-Biker & "programming deity"
DeMONS/1 for Nascar Racing 3 & Nascar Legends
DeMONS/2 for Nascar Racing 4 and 2002 Season (in development)
Barbarian Diecast Collector (460+ cars and counting)
If you want to send me email, go to the first URL shown
above & click "Send Me Mail" in the contents frame.