When John originally asked me to change the name in my car file to my real
name, I thought this meant I also had to change the name of the file itself.
Apparantly, this is not correct :)
The updated file I uploaded also had the file name changed.
I have deleted that upload, and re-uploaded it with the correct file name.
This is the file name that matches the car file in the June 15th Carset
If you happen to have my car file named as 98_LBles.cup.car (which you only
will if you downloaded it from the forum), Please rename it to:
Also, would the appropriate person please make sure the mis-named car file
didn't make it into the queue for the next update. I don't think there was
time for this to happen, but just in case... :)
That will put things back into sync.
I have also changed it back in my game.
Sorry for the confusion, which started with my mis-understanding of what
needed to be done.
Thanks :)