I did better than that after 45 minutes. Monza is a very straightforward
track, especially if you are used to the current version! Moving down
another second or two per lap, though, will take exponentially longer for
each incremental improvement. That's the nature of excellent driving versus
just competent driving. Many people will take a long, long time just to
reach the competent stage...depending on their skills, knowledge, whether
they have a good controller (e.g., if you don't have a wheel and pedals),
and whether their PC is fast enough to get a decent frame rate. If any (or
more than one) of these things are missing, it could be a long haul. Some
of us started out at the competent level with GPL, but nobody will be
excellent without lots of practise.
>I think he meant to say 3 / 4 hours AS IN.......3 to 4 hours. NOT 45
>>1.35.06 at Monza after only 45 minutes with the game, all realism on? Was
>>in a race, or just hotlapping in practice mode?
>>Excuse me, but my willing suspension of disbelief is having a hard time
>>to terms with this.
>>I can think of only 3 things that would explain this.
>>1 - You're full of sh*t
>>2 - You're a natural-born F1 driver, in which case you should be racing
>>real instead of playing games
>>3 - You've had the Monza demo version for some time, and have Monza down
>>and neglected to mention this
>>Please understand, I'm not flaming you. Your claim as implied in your
>>be perfectly true for all I know. But, knowing what I know about the game
>>calls for an extreme stretch of my imagination to believe it.
>>BTW, I agree100% with your view of not using driving aids, and going for
>>realism and damage from the start. That is what I have done basically (I
>>spend the 1st day with the AT after being thoroughly humiliated by the GP
>>There's nothing like jumping in the deep end if you wanna learn how to
>>But my Monza times don't even approach yours...
>>How about a replay? Do you have one? If you're really that good, I'd
>>see you drive. Maybe I'd learn something. How 'bout it? <G>
>>>I bought gpl yesterday, and I have played it for about 3 / 4 hours (I
>>>been working a lot this weekend).
>>>Today, I did a 1,35.06 at monza in the ferarri, and was fairly pleased
>>>I started off with realistic damage on, no driver aids, manual shifting,
>>>the grand prix mode car.
>>>My point is, I don`t see the reason to use any of the aids, or a lower
>>>powered car etc, because you get set in your ways. If you learn in the
>>>car with the computer helping you all the time, you will not learn how to
>>>drive the car, you will learn how to let the computer drive the car.
>>>There is nothing better than to just whack everything to the most
>>>level, and take it from there.
>>>Thats what I think anyway.
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