Pocono for N3


Pocono for N3

by Dave_ » Wed, 05 Apr 2000 04:00:00

Ok I just noticed that Pocono was not in N3, and of course in my
infinite wisdom (read dumbass) I threw N2 away when I picked up N3.
So, after looking though my archives I came across the Track Pack for
N1 and it has Pocono on it.  My question is, how do I get this track
converted all the way to N3.   I looked around the net and did not see
any N1 converters.   The *** of it is, I don't even like Pocono, but
the big boys go there so I will too....I hope.

Dave_C on Hawaii and Ten..well back in the day

Skotty Flyn

Pocono for N3

by Skotty Flyn » Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:00:00

I dont believe it would be possible to convert a N1 track to N3. Even
if you did I imagine it would look like ***:)

Skotty Flynn
skotty20 on Won


The Ultimate Sim Racing Directory:

Dave Henri

Pocono for N3

by Dave Henri » Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:00:00

  Pocono is also hidden in the ten folder of N99(less than 20bucks).
That track is easily convertable for use with N3 by using the mega patch
at the uspits.
dave henrie

> Ok I just noticed that Pocono was not in N3, and of course in my
> infinite wisdom (read dumbass) I threw N2 away when I picked up N3.
> So, after looking though my archives I came across the Track Pack for
> N1 and it has Pocono on it.  My question is, how do I get this track
> converted all the way to N3.   I looked around the net and did not see
> any N1 converters.   The *** of it is, I don't even like Pocono, but
> the big boys go there so I will too....I hope.

> Dave_C on Hawaii and Ten..well back in the day

Kevin Gavit

Pocono for N3

by Kevin Gavit » Thu, 06 Apr 2000 04:00:00

N2 is now readily available off the shelf as a rerelease for $9.99.
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