Greetings from a first time poster/long-time reader.
I've played GP2 for many, many hours now since Thursday, (better go back to work soon) ;) It may
be a little early for a final decision between GP2 and ICR2, but here are my thoughts.
Whenever I go back and play ICR2, I notice how incredibly smooth it is on my P133/16MB ram.
Roughly 21 FPS for ICR2 in full SVGA detail vs 15 FPS for GP2 in partial SVGA detail.
---> Winner ICR2
Hmmm, tough one. LOVE the in car sound of GP2, but there's something about the Beehive buzz of
being in a pack of indycars.
---> Winner, don't know yet
The day I can run full SVGA detail with 20+ FPS in GP2, the winner will be obvious. For now it
is very much a toss-up. I've always thought the ICR2 graphics were stunning, but GP2 does look
great even with partial detail.
---> Winner, (flips coin) Hmmm, who was tails?
User Interface:
GP2: A FEW MORE MENU'S PLEASE GEOFF!!!!! (Sarcasm intended). Although could we please have
mouse support in ICR3 Papyrus! Way to many mouse clicks necessary to do the simplest of things
in GP2.
---> Winner, ICR2 hands down
Car damage in GP2 (at least on Semi-Pro) is a complete joke. 'Nuff said.
Air born effects are very cool. (GP2)
Tire spinning is cool. (GP2)
Brake lock-up is cool. (GP2)
---> Winner, GP2
Opponent AI:
Seen some very aggressive moves in GP2, I need to get much better. The jury's still out but...
---> Winner, GP2
Customer support/service/public relations:
No this has nothing to do with game play, but a VERY important category. Papyrus hands down.
Thank you Rick & Ed for your patience/support/feedback. Gabriel, you have your work cut out for
you if you want to be competitive in this category.
---> Winner, ICR2 (Although I did wait a LONG TIME for that patch!)
Enough miscellaneous ramblings for now, no winner yet.
Gotta go race SPA, no Elkhart Lake, I mean Portugal, err...
Later cats,